mystic prophesy???

Feb 11, 2002
Man, i worked with Exploding Ned's Tunes this past Progpower. We TOTALLY sold-out of ALL Mystic Prophesy stuff. Shirts, Cd's, etc.
I REALLY think we need those guys at the next PP.
Any thoughts?
Oh fuck yea!

Oh I was responsible for buying two of the shirts. The Savage Souls T-Shirts were great! One is framed right next to my Savage Souls limited edition Vinyl LP.

Awesome band but the new one is just freakin' awesome! I was worried when Gus G left but the replacement guitarist (who used to be in the KILLER band Headstone Epitaph, his name escapes my mind right now), has done an incredible job.

Would LOVE to see these guys rip it up at PP.
I've been hyping these guys for a while now. When it comes to straight ahead Power Metal they don't have a lot of peers right now. I'd put them real close to that same level as Brainstorm. I also think their latest disc, Savage Souls, is their best disc yet. They also have a version that comes with a bonus DVD of them performing that whole disc live at some small club in Germany. It wasn't even any extra cost for that version if I recall right. I also agree that Gus G. wasn't really missed on this last cd. I figured it would be a tough loss for them, but in the end it wasn't.


PS I even hyped these guys for that final spot last year after Nevermore backed out. I knew that was a definate reach, but I think they would be more than worthy of a 3rd spot.
well, thanks guys. it was because of you that i bought the cd and seriously been listening to it since PP. i got the digi with the dvd, and i can JUST SEE THEM on THAT HUGE PROGPOWER STAGE!! god that would rock!
We need to start a petition to get those guys.
i can see them in a 3rd spot too. btw.
thanks for the input!
Add one for me! I'm on board w/ Symphorce, Brainstorm and Mystic Prophecy....being members share the bands (Markus in Symphorce and MP) and Andy in Symphorce and Brainstorm. This way we'll save Glenn some airfare:headbang:
Here this should make General Zod shake his head.


While I had those out I figured I'd take this pic as well. Another band Id LOVE to see!

Don't let Zod fool you, he likes a lot of that stuff. He owns a Mystic Prophecy disc or two I believe.

I agree on Mystic Prophecy and Firewind for Prog Power. I'd book those two as the #3 slot bands and consider it a rousing success.

I look at the #3 spot bands as needing to have some good power and energy behind their music. Both of these bands would deliver.

kittybeast said:
Add one for me! I'm on board w/ Symphorce, Brainstorm and Mystic Prophecy....being members share the bands (Markus in Symphorce and MP) and Andy in Symphorce and Brainstorm. This way we'll save Glenn some airfare:headbang:
Markus took over for Gus, and did a hell of a job. Markus is a very solid metal guitarist.

ok, so we need to get on Glenn about booking these guys...they shouldnt be too hard to get. the Savage Souls cd got released here by Locomotive, so it may be a good move...
I'm glad you are digging MP, man. As for Glenn ... he's aware of them. I've mentioned them before to him, and he is a somewhat of a fan at least. Glenn put one of their tunes (Savage Souls) on his house music discs at this last Prog Power, and I believe he mentioned that he owns a disc or two from the band. Lets keep our fingers crosses !!!

DarkTide said:
I'm glad you are digging MP, man. As for Glenn ... he's aware of them. I've mentioned them before to him, and he is a somewhat of a fan at least. Glenn put one of their tunes (Savage Souls) on his house music discs at this last Prog Power, and I believe he mentioned that he owns a disc or two from the band. Lets keep our fingers crosses !!!


Ok, so let's start chanting now MYSTIC PROPHESY and FIREWIND...
DrumRman said:
Here this should make General Zod shake his head.


While I had those out I figured I'd take this pic as well. Another band Id LOVE to see!


You are the biggest show-off I've ever seen in my life!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I would LOVE to see Mystic Prophecy, Firewind, AND DREAM EVIL. I think they all rule. If I had to choose one, it would have to be MP. They are the one POWER metal band which hasn't played PP yet which I think truly deserves to!!!!