N.G live

Oh, it would be so cool to go there. But it's a too long trip, sadly. :cry:
I planed to come to the gig last year, but as Nightingale could't play, because of some broken bones, I thought Unicorn wouldn't play too, somehow. I could hit myself for missing it. :mad:

My question is, is there any recording or bootleg from that Unplugged-gig? I'd die for it!!
And Dag, did you play Bass on this concert?
Thanks for the info Dag.
It was completely without keyboards then? Hm, most Unicorn-songs are based on keyboards, wish I had heard the unplugged-versions. :ill:
It was kind of windy that day so sometimes it takes the music away but otherwise it turned out well. The sound is nice and clear. I´m not selling since it´s against my policy (and illegal) to make profit out of a bootleg recording. The show is still on MD. I will mix it and perhaps trade it sometime in the future. I will have you in mind then. Do you know if there is any good way to remove those "noises"?

The set was really nice with "Lake of Time" as highlight (in my opinion). I hope they will perform this summer again.

By the way, I recently got 2 photos that I snapped with my friend´s camera at that show. Maybe Dan is interested in putting them on his homepage? They are no extreme close-ups but still...
"Lake of Time" is such a good song. :cry:

Äh, I could remove the noises if you'd send it to me. :D Nice try, isn't it? :)
No, I think you could make this volume changes better, or do you mean, the wind-noise on the microphone? In that case I'd lower the frequencies about 300 HZ. But I'd have to hear it to understand which kind of noise it sounds like.

In general I like your opinion about trading with bootlegs... but not in this case. ;)