Naberus - The Fallen EP free download (my work - groove metal!)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Pretty cool news that the band have decided to release the EP for free download:

We recorded this one late last year, and it's one of the better CDs I've had the pleasure of working on recently. If you dig Soilwork, In Flames or groove metal in general it should be right up your alley.

Get on it!

Here's the title track:

Not the type of snare you use often, anyway good mix but somehow this snare feels a bit off for this style, hard to explain. Personal preferences, I guess.
I checked out one of the tracks a couple of months ago. Don't like the mix that much actually. It is really thin and super separated. You usually do more thick mixes which I prefer. It sounds good alright especially the vocals, but on the whole it is not my taste.
The singer is all over the place. He's intense but needs to tighten up his style and better control himself. Solid music though, and releasing work this polished for free is major cool.
Snare sounds killer, also the toms at the beginning are massive. Not a fan of the vocals. Not quite in the C-187 realm but not far off.
Not that I haven't already said any of this to you before Ermz... But hey why not :p
Love the mix overall, especially the bass and what you did with the vocals. The drums are different to what you usually do but they work. I always have, and still feel the guitar tone really does let the mix down a fair bit.
Can't wait to hear what you do with the album, it's going to definitely be at least a contender for Aussie album of 2013
I appreciate that you guys have taken a listen and formed opinions - that's to be encouraged for sure - but this wasn't intended as a 'rate my mix' thread. The production was finalized last year and is very much irrelevant to me at this point in time. Everything that could've been second-guessed and tweaked was done back then. The band are happy, the fans are happy, so I'm happy, and will focus my energies on their debut album which we're doing later in the year.

Hope you guys continue to enjoy the CD. These guys definitely need more exposure. They're great to work with, and I can't wait for round two.