NAD is my idol

Nothing, NOTHING, can explain the terror one feels when they find that whilst high.
Guthrum, I take my hat off to you.
NAD, what happened with the job? Decide to quit whoring yourself out to The Man? Or are you moving like you wanted to?
i'm listening to undertow right now :headbang:

it's definitely better than 10,000 days and aenima...i dunno, i've never got into aenima as much really [/NAD disapproved post]
i'm listening to undertow right now :headbang:

it's definitely better than 10,000 days and aenima...i dunno, i've never got into aenima as much really [/NAD disapproved post]
Disapprove of the specifics, but definitely approve of the Tooling. Also: Undertow was my favorite until about 1999, when ÆNIMA took over. These days it's a toss up between ÆNIMA and Lateralus.
NAD, what happened with the job? Decide to quit whoring yourself out to The Man? Or are you moving like you wanted to?
Yep, quit The Man bullshit. That crap got old quick, but I could do it okay until they got a bunch of marketing fucks to run everything. You gotta love people who work somewhere for 3 weeks and not only have The Answer, but make sure to tell everyone with up to 25 years of vastly successful experience in the field just how WRONG everything they've ever done is. There isn't a single happy person there that worked before the corporate merger in 2006. I moved my cheese on outta there, fuck them. Now I go back to working for a small company doing the same thing I did 3 years ago.

Moving will still happen, but not for a year or two at least. No biggy.