NAD needs a hate thread.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I'm just going to put a bunch of sentences here discussing my unpopular, yet 100% accurate, statements.

1) Bruce Dickinson is fucking tone deaf. I have yet to hear him hit one of those wails on key, right now I'm listening to the Chemical Wedding and for 1:38 he was perfectly on key! Then a wail hit, sounding e'er like that chorus pedal stuck on Ill. Oh well.

2) Black metal is the most pretentious music form since modern jazz, if not more so. Oooh look at us, so mysterious and serious. It's like a fucking comic book, with mostly shitty music and zero sense of humoUr, finally hitting it's peak of ridiculousness with this interview. Even the stuff I like is so hackneyed I have to be in a certain mood to enjoy it.

3) Prog metal is not fucking progressive, just shut up with the misnomer. "Look ats us, we are Judas Priest clones but with 2 minutes of a stiffer-than-stiff jazz break in the middle, we are TEH PROGRESSUV!!!11lolz" No.

4) Modern Dimmu Borgir, Soilwork, In Flames, et. al. are metal. Stop saying they are not metal because they don't fit into your little specific rules about what is and what is not metal. They may blow some serious chunks nowadays (and they certainly do), but they are metal. What the fuck else could they be?

5) Weed is much safer than alcohol. Fact. Reefer Madness was in the 1930's for fuck's sake, get over it.

6) Traditional metal is cheesy as fuck and if you don't laugh constantly at it, you are a tool. This is why Slough Feg are so awesome, they know how goofy it is. Bands that don't fucking blow.

7) Bands are free to choose to do what they do with their own music. Metallica hasn't played thrash for many years, so what? Maybe after 294358729359 hours of playing it every night they got tired of it.

I think that's enough for now, tune in next time, same NAD time, same NAD channel.
8) Wearing leather everyday, having long hair, and living in your parent's basement does not make you metal. You can be a shorthaired khaki wearing corporate sellout homo and still be metal as fuck. Long story short: metal is the music, that's it. This isn't some stupid fashion show.

9) Berating a band you've never heard makes you a complete and total fucktard.

10) Fight > Judas Priest

11) Markgugs is a bumlicker.

12) The 1990's was a great decade for metal, regardless of how much crap was around because there was just as much crap in the 1980's as well.
One Inch Man said:
8) Wearing leather everyday, having long hair, and living in your parent's basement does not make you metal. You can be a shorthaired khaki wearing corporate sellout homo and still be metal as fuck.

NNEEVVAARRR!!!1!!oneone!!lololozlzz1!!!1 =( =(

EDIT: What i ment to say was, You can ALSO be a longhaird leather and denim wearing corporate success, and not sellout...GASP!

but obviously do what you wanna do, some people feel metal is a lifestyle and a music (OMG CORNY LOLZ but true) and choose to try to stay THRASH TILL DEATH WOOO! but still can have real jobs etc etc. It doesn't take much effort to put your hair in a pony tail and wear a long sleeve shirt.

also i realize this thread is tongue in cheek, but still I hadda' say it.
One Inch Man said:
8) Wearing leather everyday, having long hair, and living in your parent's basement does not make you metal. You can be a shorthaired khaki wearing corporate sellout homo and still be metal as fuck. Long story short: metal is the music, that's it. This isn't some stupid fashion show.

Amen. *high five*

Although, Im not very fond of corporate sellouts. ;)
8) Wearing leather everyday, having long hair, and living in your parent's basement does not make you metal. You can be a shorthaired khaki wearing corporate sellout homo and still be metal as fuck. Long story short: metal is the music, that's it. This isn't some stupid fashion show.

LOL ... right on

Metal is in the blood not in the uniform ... but if you are under 21 you are forgiven :tickled:

Also if you are past 21 and still wear that leather shit and have long hair, you better be in a semi succesful band or work in the business ... otherwise chances are you are either a gas station atendant or work in construction.
or anything else english teacher at my highschool was in a death metal band....and the history teacher at my boarding school that started right after i left is a death metal/black metal fan...and lots of succesfull people have long hair and stuff...

guy on left: "Uuuu .. this snow is soooo szliperi! Almost fell ... uuuu"
guy on right: "no worries, nobody will ever know what we look like"
haha, exactly. I like Velvet Cacoon (the one song I've heard) but that interview is flat out gay with a hint of lying thrown in for good measure.

The general manager at my work said it was cool that I'm doing the "long haired hippie thing," but I'm still a khaki wearing corporate sellout homo. :)
hmmm, well i can see people like me, moterbike mike...and whoever else are outnumbered =( =(

but hey we're all bonded by blood =) =)
Today I wore an Iron Chef shirt... I am clearly the most metal out of everyone here. Oh, and I actually like the show!

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