Napoleon Dynamite is funny as hell!


A sweet little 7th Grade girl left this in my desk while I was in Cincy w/ a note "Dear School Daddy, me and Rachel think you'll like this movie, Vote Pedro! Love ya, Ashley."
So I'm thinking, "Jesus, my life has come down to taking movie reviews from 7th graders!" So I threw it in the DVD player, and I haven't stopped laughing since. :tickled:
All bad blood aside. I think you should watch it with how your students talk to you. Comments like "Love ya, Ashley" and "School Daddy" could land you in sum serious shit. School systems are beginning to have zero tolerance for that kind of shit. Plus, if my seventh grade daughter was writing "Love ya" to a teacher, I'd yank a knot in her ass. I'm just saying you should watch your back w/ those kinds of comments from students.

And yeah, that movie is funny.
Is it Nine Months ago already? Somebody better warn Dimebag about killer fans. And tell Kerry he's gonna lose.
GregadetH said:
All bad blood aside. I think you should watch it with how your students talk to you. Comments like "Love ya, Ashley" and "School Daddy" could land you in sum serious shit. School systems are beginning to have zero tolerance for that kind of shit. Plus, if my seventh grade daughter was writing "Love ya" to a teacher, I'd yank a knot in her ass. I'm just saying you should watch your back w/ those kinds of comments from students.

And yeah, that movie is funny.

Aagh, we're just a little ol' country school where everybody knows everybodys parents and their kids and their grandkids. That's why I like it, none of this PC non-sense. "Who's your school daddy?" Is a running joke between my science teacher and me. When we're not all in the same church, we're in the same bar. My boss and I go out drinking and out to eat. Parents leave their kids with my sisters, etc. etc.
TD said:
Aagh, we're just a little ol' country school where everybody knows everybodys parents and their kids and their grandkids. That's why I like it, none of this PC non-sense. "Who's your school daddy?" Is a running joke between my science teacher and me. When we're not all in the same church, we're in the same bar. My boss and I go out drinking and out to eat. Parents leave their kids with my sisters, etc. etc.

That's the kind of schools that this sort of thing runs rampant at down here. One minute it's all in good fun - then another minute the rumour mill has started and a parent gets pissed. I've seen it happen when a few students here actually called the wrestling coach "Daddy" Finch in class. It was a staple for years. Then the wrong parent heard it and there went his job and his teaching license. I understand if you may feel your situation is different. It may very well be. I was just dispensing man to man advice b/c it's a shame when sumone loses the career they worked so hard to achieve over frivolous off color remarks.

Works at 4 am..see all y'all later.:wave:
GregadetH said:
That's the kind of schools that this sort of thing runs rampant at down here. One minute it's all in good fun - then another minute the rumour mill has started and a parent gets pissed. I've seen it happen when a few students here actually called the wrestling coach "Daddy" Finch in class. It was a staple for years. Then the wrong parent heard it and there went his job and his teaching license. I understand if you may feel your situation is different. It may very well be. I was just dispensing man to man advice b/c it's a shame when sumone loses the career they worked so hard to achieve over frivolous off color remarks.

Works at 4 am..see all y'all later.:wave:

Yeah, we're a little lucky in that regard. We're one of the last "huggy" schools as I call them. Meaning, no one gets pissed when you hug the kids, guys or girls. You can also throw the asshole kid up against a locker when need be. :) One day, someone will ruin it. We've had two guys marry former students (that is icky in my book), one guy got banging some cheerleaders (and they swept it under the rug) and one guy got fired for grabbing a kids leg during weight lifting. It's all political. My boss LOVES me, but if/when she leaves, who knows. As of right now though, we are THE school in "south central Ohio" Best athletics! Best proficiency scores! Most money in the bank! So something is right about our "hugginess" Good looking out greg/
Sooner or later, sumone will ruin it. And the more kids u slam against a locker the better in my book. That's what's wrong today - kids literally get away with murder at school.
GregadetH said:
Sooner or later, sumone will ruin it. And the more kids u slam against a locker the better in my book. That's what's wrong today - kids literally get away with murder at school.

Yeah, and this proficiency shit is gonna go in a decade or so too. We're going to have a generation of kids who can solve the most complex algebra problem, but can't count back change or balance their fucking checkbook. They can take any tests, but can't read a novel and write a report. We're so far away from the basics, it's asinine. Different soapbox sorry.
TD said:
Yeah, and this proficiency shit is gonna go in a decade or so too. We're going to have a generation of kids who can solve the most complex algebra problem, but can't count back change or balance their fucking checkbook. They can take any tests, but can't read a novel and write a report. We're so far away from the basics, it's asinine. Different soapbox sorry.
i hate saying that "kids today shit" but it's all true. they are fucking crazy and they keep getting worse. the crazy kids of today are the crazy parents of tommorrow too.
it's too bad that teachers have to be afraid to be close to the kids. but it's the bad that ruin it for the good like the theater teacher for one of our rival schools taping up a chicks tits for a play. he groped her and her coming forward brought forth a flood of girls a few of which had slept with him so he'd write them letters of recommendation to get theater scholerships. My cousin graduated from that school and was a techy for the plays. he told me all about how it was true and they all knew it but no one ever said anything cause he'd do stuff like let them get smoke cigarettes in class and even let them go off and get fucked up in the auditorium during school. i'd trade all that to get a sleaze bag behind jail but when he was arrested and a good friend of mine became the new theater teacher they treated her like shit and built up a huge set for the play "Lights out" which has this big ass rotating set. then to be assholes they tore the whole fucking thing down right in front of her right before opening night. so what did the parents and administraters do? they got mad at her and told her to let the kids have thier way. fuck that! i punched my cousin for that shit. square in his fool mouth and told him his favorite teacher was an ugly ass balding rapist and let them do what they wanted cause he knew he'd get his nut the way he wanted it if he did. and that knocked some sense into him so he apologized to the new teacher.
Jono said:
i hate saying that "kids today shit" but it's all true. they are fucking crazy and they keep getting worse. the crazy kids of today are the crazy parents of tommorrow too.
it's too bad that teachers have to be afraid to be close to the kids. but it's the bad that ruin it for the good like the theater teacher for one of our rival schools taping up a chicks tits for a play. he groped her and her coming forward brought forth a flood of girls a few of which had slept with him so he'd write them letters of recommendation to get theater scholerships. My cousin graduated from that school and was a techy for the plays. he told me all about how it was true and they all knew it but no one ever said anything cause he'd do stuff like let them get smoke cigarettes in class and even let them go off and get fucked up in the auditorium during school. i'd trade all that to get a sleaze bag behind jail but when he was arrested and a good friend of mine became the new theater teacher they treated her like shit and built up a huge set for the play "Lights out" which has this big ass rotating set. then to be assholes they tore the whole fucking thing down right in front of her right before opening night. so what did the parents and administraters do? they got mad at her and told her to let the kids have thier way. fuck that! i punched my cousin for that shit. square in his fool mouth and told him his favorite teacher was an ugly ass balding rapist and let them do what they wanted cause he knew he'd get his nut the way he wanted it if he did. and that knocked some sense into him so he apologized to the new teacher.

yeah, that is when it gets twisted. I'm the "school daddy" because I go to all of the games, and the spelling bees, etc.
WITH their real parents. But also, I'm cool enough with the kids, that all know they can come to me about any problems, and I'll talk to them as a person, not in "teacher" speak. Long after they leave Junior High and High School they are still coming back with questions/concerns, and to say "thanks" for telling them I'd kick their ass if they didn't get on the honor roll.
Jono said:
i hate saying that "kids today shit" but it's all true. they are fucking crazy and they keep getting worse. the crazy kids of today are the crazy parents of tommorrow too.
it's too bad that teachers have to be afraid to be close to the kids. but it's the bad that ruin it for the good like the theater teacher for one of our rival schools taping up a chicks tits for a play. he groped her and her coming forward brought forth a flood of girls a few of which had slept with him so he'd write them letters of recommendation to get theater scholerships. My cousin graduated from that school and was a techy for the plays. he told me all about how it was true and they all knew it but no one ever said anything cause he'd do stuff like let them get smoke cigarettes in class and even let them go off and get fucked up in the auditorium during school. i'd trade all that to get a sleaze bag behind jail but when he was arrested and a good friend of mine became the new theater teacher they treated her like shit and built up a huge set for the play "Lights out" which has this big ass rotating set. then to be assholes they tore the whole fucking thing down right in front of her right before opening night. so what did the parents and administraters do? they got mad at her and told her to let the kids have thier way. fuck that! i punched my cousin for that shit. square in his fool mouth and told him his favorite teacher was an ugly ass balding rapist and let them do what they wanted cause he knew he'd get his nut the way he wanted it if he did. and that knocked some sense into him so he apologized to the new teacher.
Another biggie today is the god damned divorces. There are exceptions to every rule of course, but if you look at the honor society kids, student council representatives, and the like: by and large, mom and dad are still married. Go to the detention room, or look at the list of D and F students, and again, by and large: mom and dad got deevorced. I said this on a local AM show a couple of years ago. Got some nice letters, but it's a statistical truth.
TD said:
A sweet little 7th Grade girl left this in my desk while I was in Cincy w/ a note "Dear School Daddy, me and Rachel think you'll like this movie, Vote Pedro! Love ya, Ashley."
So I'm thinking, "Jesus, my life has come down to taking movie reviews from 7th graders!" So I threw it in the DVD player, and I haven't stopped laughing since. :tickled:

Is she hot?

We need pics.
GregadetH said:
Plus, if my seventh grade daughter was writing "Love ya" to a teacher, I'd yank a knot in her ass.

Do seventh graders do anal now?

Oh, and your signature makes no sense, like most of your posts.
It's not illegal to download St. Anger.

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