NARNIA-Course of a Generation: no more neo-classical shit...


Jul 16, 2002
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That new Narnia album is excellent.
Gone is the neo-classical style of before, now the style is more like "modern" melodic heavy/power stuff. And it works.
There is even a thrash song (Curse of a Generation).
The new singer (German Pascual) is a quite powerful mid-ranger and we don't really miss Christian Rivel. In fact, even though I like Rivel as of last (I prefer his more "manly" voice of the later years (Audiovision), compared to his softer voice of the Narnia debut albums), I think I prefer the new singer.

There is a sample of a new song on their MySpace page

This is some damn fine stuff that you should check out if you like melodic metal with balls.

Worth checking them. I listened to some songs before and indeed wasn't my thing, maybe now it's a better time.
I had heard of Narnia but had steered clear of them since neo-classical metal tends to sound a bit wimpy, but from what I heard on the MySpace page it does have some heavyness to it. I'll give it a try, thanks for the tip.