Narnia- Enter The Gate!!!


Feb 11, 2002
New York
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Wow, what an incredible album that i have recently gotten around to.

Another awesome band that i would love to see grace the PP stage. They have a nice catalog, a great DVD, and this great new release on Massacre Records. A definite 3 slot in my mind. Here i go again Glenn!!!

I know what's coming; no one knows them and they are not going to draw anyone. It is so unfortunate as they really are very talented musicians, and Christian Rivel is such a unique and amazing vocalist.

What do you guys think about Narnia and is there a chance for them to play at PP?
Curufin said:
I felt like I should be wearing a tutu and holding a magic fairy wand while listening to that album. It's not horrible, but I could feel my heterosexuality slowly being chipped away.

Enter the Gate is a good album, but The Great Fall was pretty mediocre. Overall Narnia still has a ways to go in my book before they become truly great.
Anything that questions Drew's sexulity has to be good. who doesn't want to see Drew in a tutu? Now, now don't puss out.
Yeah, Divinefire is a better choice for Progpower.

I find that with Narnia, their fast songs are good, but their slower songs tend to be boring as hell. They should write more fast songs.
Have you guys heard Harmony - Dreaming Awake? They are inspired by Narnia but they have some killer slow songs (i.e. Without You)

EDIT you can be a "senior member" after just 100 posts? Ultimate metal must be used to having short-lived posters
TychoCelchu said:
EDIT you can be a "senior member" after just 100 posts? Ultimate metal must be used to having short-lived posters

What does that make me then, since I'm short before my 3000th post?

Note - Any comments regarding me being a "flooder" or a "no life individual" are not necessary. I already know that. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Eventhough I respect what Christian Rivel is attempting to do with his bands, he's a weak vocalist in my opinion. Otherwise, DivineFire would be a great band if it wasn't for him singing! As for Narnia, they've never done the first thing for me and I think the band, Harmony, sucks as well. I bought that Harnomy disc one time and sold it shortly thereafter, because it did nothing for me. There are plenty more bands I'd like to see grace Center Stage over both Narnia and DivineFire.....sorry.
Rivel's not a top vocalist, but he's quite good, I think. He knows his limits and stays within them.

What I like best about him is how clearly he enunciates when he sings. Some vocalists, even some really good ones, don't sing so that you can understand them without having the lyric sheet handy.
Narnia and Divinefire are quite different imo. I really loved Narnia's early stuff. However, as I went later in their catalogue, they seemed to soften up a bit, and just didn't move me as much. But, as I indicated in another thread, I'd love to see them.
edgeofthorns said:
Eventhough I respect what Christian Rivel is attempting to do with his bands, he's a weak vocalist in my opinion. Otherwise, DivineFire would be a great band if it wasn't for him singing! As for Narnia, they've never done the first thing for me and I think the band, Harmony, sucks as well. I bought that Harnomy disc one time and sold it shortly thereafter, because it did nothing for me. There are plenty more bands I'd like to see grace Center Stage over both Narnia and DivineFire.....sorry.

I also thought Rivel was a bit weak on the 1st few Narnia releases, he was too "gentle" for my own taste, too light. But for the last few years, especially on the Audiovision-The Calling disc (which is excellent traditional heavy metal), and also on the last Narnia, he began to sing more aggressively and I now think he's a very good singer. He improved quite a bit over the years.