Nasheim "Undergång" is FINISHED -- MP3 available


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
After a whole fucking lot of hard work, the new 3-track Nasheim demo is done. Now all that remains is to submit the master CD to Intolerant Records and wait for the tapes; in the meantime, however, I have made an MP3 of the second song, "Allt Svartnar" available.


Nasheim - Allt Svartnar (6.4 Mbytes)

Sorry for making a new thread here, but the old one was getting cluttered. Again, if I can put you up for a demo or shirt in advance, please tell me. Either way, please let me know what you think of the song if you listen to it.
Awesome, I'll d/l at home tonight.

Sorry for making a new thread he says... yes because you a such a thread whore Erik. :p
Oh fuck me Erik, this is phenomenal. You guys deserve to get some attention with material like this.

The song starts off really good with the great vocals/guitar going, and kudos to the bass playing as well. I actually hear some Steve Harris/Cliff Burton in some of those bass lines that keep coming in every so often!

I really like the way the song dynamics change: (i) the first one at the beginning with that tempo change and what sounds like a couple of little cannon explosions, heh? It's a very good tempo to bang your head too I might add!! The dual vocals coming in from left to right are excellent too; (ii) the acoustic guitar interlude; (iii) the clean vox building up to the reprise assault, with some great drum effects there as the song progresses.

The screams at the end are phenomenal too - really fucking excruciating and GRIM!!!

:eek: I do like it very much so, in fact I'm listening to it a second time, definately better then Evighet (which was still damn good).
I'm very impressed by this, there's a good mix of dynamics and tempo as Jay has mentioned (and great audible bass! Hehe). The middle section seems rather Bathory-inspired, I likey.

Demo, plz. :cool:
Sorath said:
Is also has grim artwork.
That's it? That's all you guys have to say?!! What the heck are you doing that's got you so busy stuck in the icy forest and snow!? Chopping wood for the fire? Tell us about the song, the lyrics, how did you come up with the ideas, is it one of your favorites or do you like the others equally? How about some running commentary!? Inquiring minds want to knooooow! o_O

Or are you just saving it all for an official rock star interviews. :Smug: If so, just give us the lyrics. :D

I ran a few things through a Swedish translator by the way. Now the word"undergång" either means "ruin" or "fall" or I guess "the end", but from what I discovered, it can also mean "pedestrian subway". :loco: Is this some play on words in the way the train subway in London is called "The Underground"? Very clever.

"Allt Vartnar" also means "All Black" or I guess "Blackened" for those of you who aren't Swedish, aren't tr00, or haven't found a decent Swedish->English web translator yet. :p
Thanks to everyone for the great feedback. I must say I like pretty much all three songs equally, this is also the shortest of them all. Lyrics are here for those that are interested:

Lyrics by Sorath, music by me.

JayKeeley said:
I ran a few things through a Swedish translator by the way. Now the word"undergång" either means "ruin" or "fall" or I guess "the end", but from what I discovered, it can also mean "pedestrian subway". Is this some play on words in the way the train subway in London is called "The Underground"? Very clever.
Hehe, not really, "ruin" is a decent translation but not quite exact.

JayKeeley said:
"Allt Vartnar" also means "All Black" or I guess "Blackened" for those of you who aren't Swedish, aren't tr00, or haven't found a decent Swedish->English web translator yet.
More like "everything turns black" or something like that.
What kind of distortion/overdrive/whatever are you using? It sounds almost like a Big Muff or something.