NATION BEYOND - The Aftermath Odyssey

Got this disc for Christmas, Loved it from the first spin, i guess I need to revist it this week, if I get some time.
I got it after it was all hyped up a lot as the new Operation Mindcrime and I just didn't get into it. It doesn't rock just kinda plodded along. Ah well.
I got it after it was all hyped up a lot as the new Operation Mindcrime and I just didn't get into it. It doesn't rock just kinda plodded along. Ah well.

I do get a Queensryche vibe from it for sure, but I wouldn't say it's the next OMC though. With that said, I think it's more comparible to something Beyond Twilight has done or something along those lines.

I heard it for the first time today actually and eh, .....

I didn't love it. There was one song that made me want to turn it off immediately (don't remember which one) and all the others just didn't get me excited at all. Maybe that was because I was so excited to listen to Kings X next ?! :D

I'll give it another listen again soon I'm sure ....
I thought it was going to be good and looked forward to it but didn't like it much.

Agree. I got in December after much hype and rave reviews....

It just doesn't stick to me like other prog metal albums do. By that I mean each time I listen to it, it just sounds the same and there is nothing to exciting here.