National Depression Screening Day, October 9, 2003.


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Oct 7, 2003
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mass email from my work:

Have you been feeling sad for more than two weeks?

If so, you may be depressed. We urge you to join the thousands of Americans who will be taking a confidential depression screening on National Depression Screening Day, October 9, 2003.

More than 19 million American adults suffer from depression each year. It affects men, women and children of all races and economic groups. While more than 80 percent of all cases of clinical depression can be treated effectively, less than one third of all people who suffer from depression seek help. There's no need to suffer alone.

Common signs of depression include:

q Constantly feeling sad or “empty”

q Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed

q Weight gain, or weight loss that is not due to dieting

q Slowed movement or feeling restless

q Constant thoughts of death or suicide

q Loss of energy or fatigue

q Feeling guilty or worthless much of the time

q Unable to concentrate, remember things or make decisions

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MagellanAssist offers a a confidential screening tool that you can take, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You'll also find comprehensive information on depression as well as other self-help tools and online resources. If you think a family member or friend may be suffering from depression, contact your Magellan program for information and help.

Remember, we're here for you today and any day you need help dealing with life's challenges and opportunities.