Naughty Bulldogs!!


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Well, the Bulldogs have admitted that they overpaid players $400,000 this year and $600,000 last year. If the NRL has any grapefruits then we will see a 14-team competition for the rest of the year... well, 13 teams if my dream comes true and they decide to kick Souths out again :) One should imagine there will also be a bit of an exodus of players to other clubs.

Something tells me this might just be the tip of the iceberg, though.
They will lose like 10 competition points and get find half a million dollars and that will be it, you watch! It would be funny if they got kicked out for the rest of the year though :)

They should just let Penrith take their place, after all, Penrith would have done a lot better if the Bulldogs hadnt hogged all the players ;)
About time they caught out someone who wasn't the Bronco's..and no im not a Drongo's fan, just getting ick of seeing them gettin shit on like the Lions in the AFL
Well, face it, they must have been rorting it for years to keep all the players they have :)
Yep, the broncos, probably newcastle, easts as well, the list will be massive by the time this things over :D
The Broncos are keeping players? Try telling that to Tuqiri, Sailor, Campion, Priddis... and that's just from the last couple of years, probably stacks of others I'm forgetting. They've been caught out being a bit creative with the cap (going over a little bit) but I think they've shown that they suffer just as much as other teams do.
They just said on the news there were calls to kick the Bulldogs out of the finals :eek:
Yeah think about it......
Imagine if the Bulldogs lose some of their compeition points for this season, so when finals time comes around, they are placed say 8th instead of 1st. That will mean that either the warriors or Brisbane wrap up the minor premiership.

Then in the first week of the finals, The Warriors...... instead of playing 8th place (Most likely the Eagles) have to face off against the Bulldogs. That is just a fuckin kick in the teeth for the warriors isnt it?

There is only 2 fair things to do here.
Either End their season before the finals.. or fine the fuck outta them. In all seriousness, I can see them being hit with a fine before being booted out of the comp.

Imagine though on the other hand, if they just given a fine, and then they go on to win the premiership. How pissed off will non-bulldog supprters feel? If that happens, than the Dogs have virtually bought a premiership!
Oh please - i bet every club in the league rorts the salary cap in some way or another. The only reason the Bulldogs are being picked on inparticular is because they are on top of the ladder.

The NRL is stupid if it thinks a salary cap can create a level playing field. There is no major sporting league that i know of that has a level playing field. The majority of good players who want to win will always go to a club that has a strong winning tradition - who would go and play for the Nth Qld Cowboys just to be paid an extra $50k per year, to play in a shitty team?

Yes i am a Bulldogs fan and it will be a major dissapointment for the fans and players to feel the brunt of the NRL's wrath based on management's botch-up.

And don't give me "well they wouldn't be on top if it weren't for overpaying" because that is bollocks.

I was just starting to get right back into the footy this year, if the Bulldogs get kicked out, i am gonna tell the NRL to go fuck itself.
Well they have to do something, and that should include the PLAYERS who took the payment getting a years suspension, they knew they were rorting it as much as the clubs!
Not necessarily, if a player signs a contract to receive sponsorship from a third party, how is he to know the club has organised it as a way of getting around the salary cap. All players have managers to take care of such details. Most footy players i know aren't the brightest sparks in the universe. :lol:
I dont think the knights are cheating the salary cap... didn't they get done for the same thing a couple of years ago. And they have let go so greeat players recently - Matt Johns, John Morris, and a shit load a forwards.

Bloody piggins should keep his mouth shut, or they might get him... oh, thats right, souths ae full of shit players.