
New Metal Member
Nov 19, 2004
I think its UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE the amount of whiny, fairweather cunts bitching about this. I've been an Anthrax fan since 'Euphoria'...I have all the albums...I saw them live with Bush and Crook in '95 -- I love ALL eras of Anthrax and I don't care what lineup they have as long as they keep playing metal! As long as Joey can sing and Danny can shred -- GREAT!

You complaining fucks are the same fuckers who whined and complained about the Newsted/Metallica split, the Halford/Ripper/Priest; whatever the metal music controversy is at the time...never fucking happy just to have metal music! Fuck, you shits could be stuck with crap like Good Charolette, Limp Bizkit & Deftones for the rest of your life! 99% of the shit they play on Headbangers Ball is talentless crap but that's what's supposed to be METAL -- whatever...

I don't care if its a money thing...this is their career. This is how they've always made money. I'm a self-employed graphic artist and if I can figure a way to keep doing what I love and make money at it, that's what I'm gonna do. I like it when the bands I like make money because that means they'll be around to put more music out and tour. As long as their hearts are in it and get me thrashin and moshin -- that's all that really matters.

John Bush just had a new baby so I'm sure he's looking forward to some down time to be a daddy. I'm am FUCKING positive this was not a surprise thing thrusted onto him. And I am also FUCKING positive that he'll be back, I don't think this reunion is permanent. If it isn't ---GREAT! If it is --GREAT! I'm a true Anthrax fan. As long as they keep the metal music flowin' that's all that matters to me. I'll miss the guys who go and I'll support the guys that come in to the fold as long as they're putting out great metal music, I'm there.

Scott saying that Rob and John are a part of the Anthrax family and that he doesn't know if they'll be back does not mean they WON'T be back. It tells me that they don't have every moment for the next gazillion years planned out to every minute detail -- FUCK, just let them get this new thing going!

ANTHRAX: I'm FUCKING excited. I hope you guys shred like you've never done before. The only way I'm going to be dissapointed is if you five guys get on stage and look like a bunch of awkward strangers.

As far as Charlie talking about Dime. I understand completely what he means -- with as much love and sorrow both Scott and Charlie have publicly shown for Dime, I'm sure every thought and word he has about Dime is completely sincere.

You shits act like these guys owe you something. You know nothing about having a genuine love of metal music. Play on fellas, this is one metalhead that will be in the audience getting caught in a mosh.
Great post. I agree 100%. The reunion has been in the works for almost a year now, so it wasnt a stab in Jons back. This is the same Anthrax I first saw and will appreciate them when I see them. If you dont like it, go stick your head under a Canadian Seal CLubbers Stick.

MjrRager said:
I think its UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE the amount of whiny, fairweather cunts bitching about this. I've been an Anthrax fan since 'Euphoria'...I have all the albums...I saw them live with Bush and Crook in '95 -- I love ALL eras of Anthrax and I don't care what lineup they have as long as they keep playing metal! As long as Joey can sing and Danny can shred -- GREAT!

You complaining fucks are the same fuckers who whined and complained about the Newsted/Metallica split, the Halford/Ripper/Priest; whatever the metal music controversy is at the time...never fucking happy just to have metal music! Fuck, you shits could be stuck with crap like Good Charolette, Limp Bizkit & Deftones for the rest of your life! 99% of the shit they play on Headbangers Ball is talentless crap but that's what's supposed to be METAL -- whatever...

I don't care if its a money thing...this is their career. This is how they've always made money. I'm a self-employed graphic artist and if I can figure a way to keep doing what I love and make money at it, that's what I'm gonna do. I like it when the bands I like make money because that means they'll be around to put more music out and tour. As long as their hearts are in it and get me thrashin and moshin -- that's all that really matters.

John Bush just had a new baby so I'm sure he's looking forward to some down time to be a daddy. I'm am FUCKING positive this was not a surprise thing thrusted onto him. And I am also FUCKING positive that he'll be back, I don't think this reunion is permanent. If it isn't ---GREAT! If it is --GREAT! I'm a true Anthrax fan. As long as they keep the metal music flowin' that's all that matters to me. I'll miss the guys who go and I'll support the guys that come in to the fold as long as they're putting out great metal music, I'm there.

Scott saying that Rob and John are a part of the Anthrax family and that he doesn't know if they'll be back does not mean they WON'T be back. It tells me that they don't have every moment for the next gazillion years planned out to every minute detail -- FUCK, just let them get this new thing going!

ANTHRAX: I'm FUCKING excited. I hope you guys shred like you've never done before. The only way I'm going to be dissapointed is if you five guys get on stage and look like a bunch of awkward strangers.

As far as Charlie talking about Dime. I understand completely what he means -- with as much love and sorrow both Scott and Charlie have publicly shown for Dime, I'm sure every thought and word he has about Dime is completely sincere.

You shits act like these guys owe you something. You know nothing about having a genuine love of metal music. Play on fellas, this is one metalhead that will be in the audience getting caught in a mosh.
LouieFatterson said:
Walk on egg shells around this guy fellas! He's a tr00 fan!

I am what I am. I love the John Bush era Anthrax and the Joey era. As long as they keep putting out badass metal tunes, I'm sold. If they get up on stage and can't pull it off, I'll be dissapointed but I'm not gonna run my mouth bitching about it. I'll just wait for the next album and hope for the better. But I think it's going to be pretty cool.
so is joey gonna be singing johns stuff do we know?!?!? or is anything post p.o.t. not getting played?!?!? i cant imagine joey singing johns stuff at all.......

maybe that will be the next "new" album ....joey resinging songs from the last four albums the way scott "always intended them to sound" ;)
lokey said:
so is joey gonna be singing johns stuff do we know?!?!? or is anything post p.o.t. not getting played?!?!? i cant imagine joey singing johns stuff at all.......

maybe that will be the next "new" album ....joey resinging songs from the last four albums the way scott "always intended them to sound" ;)
hah! thats a good one.
Jono said:
no reason to be disrespectful and join up and immediately start bitching out us board veterans. fucking assholes.

suck up the whining and complaining about who is and isn't in the band, enjoy the music and support the band. Then the respect may flow freely. I can't give respect to uniformed people making uneducated accusations, allegations and presumptions about a band and its members. These whiners are not in the band, they're not in the inner circle so they have NO FUCKING CLUE about anything happening with Anthrax. Whether you're a board vet or a fucking newbie like me, spouting things like "Charlie and Scott are only doing it for the money" "Sell outs" yada yada ya -- UNLESS Charlie and Scott fucking told you, then you don't fucking know.

Shaddup and enjoy the music, whiny fucks.
MjrRager said:
I think its UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE the amount of whiny, fairweather cunts bitching about this. I've been an Anthrax fan since 'Euphoria'...I have all the albums...I saw them live with Bush and Crook in '95 -- I love ALL eras of Anthrax and I don't care what lineup they have as long as they keep playing metal! As long as Joey can sing and Danny can shred -- GREAT!

You complaining fucks are the same fuckers who whined and complained about the Newsted/Metallica split, the Halford/Ripper/Priest; whatever the metal music controversy is at the time...never fucking happy just to have metal music! Fuck, you shits could be stuck with crap like Good Charolette, Limp Bizkit & Deftones for the rest of your life! 99% of the shit they play on Headbangers Ball is talentless crap but that's what's supposed to be METAL -- whatever...

I don't care if its a money thing...this is their career. This is how they've always made money. I'm a self-employed graphic artist and if I can figure a way to keep doing what I love and make money at it, that's what I'm gonna do. I like it when the bands I like make money because that means they'll be around to put more music out and tour. As long as their hearts are in it and get me thrashin and moshin -- that's all that really matters.

John Bush just had a new baby so I'm sure he's looking forward to some down time to be a daddy. I'm am FUCKING positive this was not a surprise thing thrusted onto him. And I am also FUCKING positive that he'll be back, I don't think this reunion is permanent. If it isn't ---GREAT! If it is --GREAT! I'm a true Anthrax fan. As long as they keep the metal music flowin' that's all that matters to me. I'll miss the guys who go and I'll support the guys that come in to the fold as long as they're putting out great metal music, I'm there.

Scott saying that Rob and John are a part of the Anthrax family and that he doesn't know if they'll be back does not mean they WON'T be back. It tells me that they don't have every moment for the next gazillion years planned out to every minute detail -- FUCK, just let them get this new thing going!

ANTHRAX: I'm FUCKING excited. I hope you guys shred like you've never done before. The only way I'm going to be dissapointed is if you five guys get on stage and look like a bunch of awkward strangers.

As far as Charlie talking about Dime. I understand completely what he means -- with as much love and sorrow both Scott and Charlie have publicly shown for Dime, I'm sure every thought and word he has about Dime is completely sincere.

You shits act like these guys owe you something. You know nothing about having a genuine love of metal music. Play on fellas, this is one metalhead that will be in the audience getting caught in a mosh.

i agree with you 100% , to all the anthrax whingers i say this to you


they do this cause they WANT to do this . no one's forcing them to do this . i for one will be there at the palace to see them live . with any luck i'll be at the front row going f@@king nuts ( seen em 3 times and have yet to be dissapointed) horns up :rock:
MjrRager said:
I think its UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE the amount of whiny, fairweather cunts bitching about this. I've been an Anthrax fan since 'Euphoria'...I have all the albums...I saw them live with Bush and Crook in '95 -- I love ALL eras of Anthrax and I don't care what lineup they have as long as they keep playing metal! As long as Joey can sing and Danny can shred -- GREAT!

You complaining fucks are the same fuckers who whined and complained about the Newsted/Metallica split, the Halford/Ripper/Priest; whatever the metal music controversy is at the time...never fucking happy just to have metal music! Fuck, you shits could be stuck with crap like Good Charolette, Limp Bizkit & Deftones for the rest of your life! 99% of the shit they play on Headbangers Ball is talentless crap but that's what's supposed to be METAL -- whatever...

I don't care if its a money thing...this is their career. This is how they've always made money. I'm a self-employed graphic artist and if I can figure a way to keep doing what I love and make money at it, that's what I'm gonna do. I like it when the bands I like make money because that means they'll be around to put more music out and tour. As long as their hearts are in it and get me thrashin and moshin -- that's all that really matters.

John Bush just had a new baby so I'm sure he's looking forward to some down time to be a daddy. I'm am FUCKING positive this was not a surprise thing thrusted onto him. And I am also FUCKING positive that he'll be back, I don't think this reunion is permanent. If it isn't ---GREAT! If it is --GREAT! I'm a true Anthrax fan. As long as they keep the metal music flowin' that's all that matters to me. I'll miss the guys who go and I'll support the guys that come in to the fold as long as they're putting out great metal music, I'm there.

Scott saying that Rob and John are a part of the Anthrax family and that he doesn't know if they'll be back does not mean they WON'T be back. It tells me that they don't have every moment for the next gazillion years planned out to every minute detail -- FUCK, just let them get this new thing going!

ANTHRAX: I'm FUCKING excited. I hope you guys shred like you've never done before. The only way I'm going to be dissapointed is if you five guys get on stage and look like a bunch of awkward strangers.

As far as Charlie talking about Dime. I understand completely what he means -- with as much love and sorrow both Scott and Charlie have publicly shown for Dime, I'm sure every thought and word he has about Dime is completely sincere.

You shits act like these guys owe you something. You know nothing about having a genuine love of metal music. Play on fellas, this is one metalhead that will be in the audience getting caught in a mosh.

Well said.
MjrRager said:
I think its UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE the amount of whiny, fairweather cunts bitching about this. I've been an Anthrax fan since 'Euphoria'...I have all the albums...I saw them live with Bush and Crook in '95 -- I love ALL eras of Anthrax and I don't care what lineup they have as long as they keep playing metal! As long as Joey can sing and Danny can shred -- GREAT!

You complaining fucks are the same fuckers who whined and complained about the Newsted/Metallica split, the Halford/Ripper/Priest; whatever the metal music controversy is at the time...never fucking happy just to have metal music! Fuck, you shits could be stuck with crap like Good Charolette, Limp Bizkit & Deftones for the rest of your life! 99% of the shit they play on Headbangers Ball is talentless crap but that's what's supposed to be METAL -- whatever...

I don't care if its a money thing...this is their career. This is how they've always made money. I'm a self-employed graphic artist and if I can figure a way to keep doing what I love and make money at it, that's what I'm gonna do. I like it when the bands I like make money because that means they'll be around to put more music out and tour. As long as their hearts are in it and get me thrashin and moshin -- that's all that really matters.

John Bush just had a new baby so I'm sure he's looking forward to some down time to be a daddy. I'm am FUCKING positive this was not a surprise thing thrusted onto him. And I am also FUCKING positive that he'll be back, I don't think this reunion is permanent. If it isn't ---GREAT! If it is --GREAT! I'm a true Anthrax fan. As long as they keep the metal music flowin' that's all that matters to me. I'll miss the guys who go and I'll support the guys that come in to the fold as long as they're putting out great metal music, I'm there.

Scott saying that Rob and John are a part of the Anthrax family and that he doesn't know if they'll be back does not mean they WON'T be back. It tells me that they don't have every moment for the next gazillion years planned out to every minute detail -- FUCK, just let them get this new thing going!

ANTHRAX: I'm FUCKING excited. I hope you guys shred like you've never done before. The only way I'm going to be dissapointed is if you five guys get on stage and look like a bunch of awkward strangers.

As far as Charlie talking about Dime. I understand completely what he means -- with as much love and sorrow both Scott and Charlie have publicly shown for Dime, I'm sure every thought and word he has about Dime is completely sincere.

You shits act like these guys owe you something. You know nothing about having a genuine love of metal music. Play on fellas, this is one metalhead that will be in the audience getting caught in a mosh.

You made some excellent points there man.
Ty MjrRager :kickass: .I agree we need more METAL.As long as there is an Anthrax,thats all I need.Anyway from what I heard on the broadcast yesterday they are only playing songs from Fistful thru Persistence.Which I think its great!!! :rock:
Well said. I love thrax. Bush is great joey is great. I dont think bush was sidelined at all. And i'm dying to see if Dan can pull it off after not playing 10 years. Scott and charlie i still have much love!