Neal this thread is empty now but you can make it come to life!


Aug 30, 2001
...with pictures explaining the process. My shit's gettin' dirty and smelly and needs to be cleeeeeeeaned! So fill this thread with your valuable knowledge!

Everyone encourage Neal to do the right thing! :kickass:
Winner winner chicken dinner!

Now let's hope Meal (holy shit I'm not fixing that typo!!!) comes through and makes with the detailed, photographed info!
Yes, this must happen. I remember the pic of his freshly cleaned triple-percolated bong and still can't believe it wasn't new and completely unused.
Hahah yeah he's done this before. I'm fine with him bumping that post instead. I just need to know how to clean my shit.
i promise i will, but this evening im pressed and only have time to further dirty my baby before my work christmas dinner! i may do it tonight if i dont get drunk, but honestly, free drinks are hard to pass up when you're a fiend! tomorrow evening at the latest! isabel is definitely on the right track! exclamation points!@#$