nearly there

Peter Day

Oct 14, 2001
Ickleford. Hitchin.UK
well fellow metalheads, just about 25 hours to go to the start of a fab Bank holiday monday...and then a whole afternoon and evening of Heavy metal/ Rock music...yippeee. :headbang: :headbang:

Looking forward to seeing those that are going tomorrow, been a while.
can't wait to hear any new songs from the 54, have a chat and a fine beer (a nice John Smiths would make my day mmmmmmmm :D )

Looking forward to checking out some of the other bands as well.

C U there... :wave:
Alright for some!:ill: My bank holiday Monday is going to consist of a local festival where Electric Six, Kosheen, Bloc Party and The Ordinary Boys are playing :) But it's a free day out so... Have a good time yawl going to see 54 tho :headbang: