Nebula SSL 4k Compressors; AlexB - 4KD PRO : Dynamics Collection


Jan 23, 2008
Gothenburg, Sweden
Dynamics Collection from 4000E console.
Dynamics collection from the world's most successful studio production console which was the first one to incorporate dynamics processing in every channel and a master compressor in the console centre section. It's the first choice of world's best audio engineers to give punch, drive and to glue the mix together maintaining under control the dynamics of single tracks.

The compressors have been refurbished and every single stage has been isolated from the console to maintain the pure audio path without unwanted console coloration.

. 64 differents programs at 5K
. Channel Compressor mono, stereo and with sidechain function
. Listen Mic Compressor mono, stereo and with sidechain function
. Group Compressor stereo and with sidechain function

AlexB - 4KD PRO : Dynamics Collection
Ah good, I didn't have to make this thread myself.

Put my order in now. Freakin cannot wait to try it! Wondering if it'll make some of my outboard comps obsolete!? The channel comps would be awesome... hopefully help achieve more Staub-like drums ITB.
Hey Ermz can you please post some clips when you have time? Or just report?
Thinking about purchase it, but also have to upgrade from Nebula 2...
Downloading the programs now. Will probably get a chance to test them tomorrow or the day after when I get back to mixing. Really keen to hear how snappy they are on drums. I want that Staub/Wallace pump.
I thought Nebula was the program, and then you downloaded things within Nebula for free? How much have you guys spent, in total, on Nebula? It may be way more expensive than I thought. Sorry to hijack the thread.
I've got Nebula and the Analog In The Box stuff, and I have to say, I've not found any appreciable benefits from the package. Plus as a plugin, Nebula is really sluggish and bogs my system down a lot!! Just isn't really worth it to me, which is why I've not bought the AlexB stuff - because I don't believe it's really that much better than a regular plugin.
It's very snappy. Haven't done a hardware comparison yet, but the general feeling on the Nebula boards seems to be that it's better than other plug-ins, but not quite on the level of the hardware yet.

In my own test I found it to respond a bit oddly under some circumstances, but for getting snappy analogue-esque drum punch from slow-attack, hard-knee compression it was actually quite decent! Already printed my overheads track with it, and might do the same with some of the snare samples and toms.
I'm still waiting to buy it. I requested the return customer thing yesterday morning but I still haven't gotten the paypal invoice yet.