Necrodeath - Tone(e)s Of Hate

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Necrodeath - Ton(e)s Of Hate
2003 - Scarlet Records
By Philip Whitehouse


Go to the Scarlet website.

I used to be really keen on Necrodeath - their last album, Black As Pitch, was a triumphant fusion of blackened thrash metal with occasional death metal overtones - a furious, aggressive, malevolent assault of metallic fury. So I can't quite understand why this latest release isn't instilling the same reverence in me as before.

The production is top notch, particularly highlighting the immensely talented bassist's contribution. The vocals are still an unnerving stew of blackened harshness, death-grunts and sinister spoken word. The guitar riffs are still as potent and savage as ever. The drums don't quite seem as impressive as before, however - inventive fills being replaced with somewhat laughable over-use of cowbells (don't get me wrong, cowbells are cool in moderation, but over using them seems to add an unwelcome comic element to proceedings).

Maybe it's just because the fire seems to have gone out of Necrodeath's belly somewhat - despite the frantic riffage and the vocalist's howling and screaming, there's nothing on this album that grabs you by the throat and makes you pay attention - perhaps Necrodeath's window of opportunity has come and gone. Whatever, this release sounds somewhat hollow, whic is unfortunate, 'cause I really did like them before.
