- Apr 5, 2003
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[IMGLEFT]http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i137/oinkness/necrophobic_imgleft.jpg[/IMGLEFT]By Brandon Strader
Necrophobic have recently unleashed a torrent of hatred and middle fingers in the form of a blasphemous album entitled Hrimthursum that is sure to please the metal community, but send the religious community into a mad dance of confusion and outrage. In other words, they're doing black metal the way it should be done and they don't give a crap who they offend in the process. If the phrase "Slaughter of Baby Jesus" makes you jostle with joy, then this is the album for you. If the phrase makes you cringe, then we can only hope someone close to you has this album and will blast it constantly to piss you off. I got the chance to talk indirectly to Sebastion, the lead guitarist for Necrophobic.
Would you care to introduce us to the band, and how long have you guys been around exactly?
The band started 1989 and the lineup now is Joakim Sterner, Drums since 1989, Tobias Sidegård, Bass/vocals members since 1991, Sebastian Ramstedt, lead guitar, member since 1996 and Johan Bergebäck Rythm Guitar member since 2000.
What language is the word "Hrimthursum" and what does it mean?
It´s islandic and it can be translated as "Frost Giants".
You guys seem to be pretty Anti-Christian... I think we can all agree Christianity is a pretty flawed religion that many black metal bands speak out against: What got you guys started on your journey against Christianity?
I guess that if we were from Iran we would be Anti-Islam. We live in a christian part of the world and get bothered by the problems that this cause. I prefere to say that Necrophobic are Anti-religious since we don´t agree with any of them. Religion has to much inluence on politics and society in these times when people should know better. Theres a lot stupid rules wich people accept in fear of insulting the church. I don´t think religios people should earn any respect just cause they are religious.
What's the deal with the hilariously titled first track from Hrimthursum, "The Slaughter of Baby Jesus"?
Actually I thougt more people would find some humour in this one but it seems like most listners takes this seriously. I think Tobias that came up with the title wanted something that sounded simple but still offending. I think it´s only Americans that use the frase "Baby Jesus" so it´s kind of kick in the nuts to the christian fanatics in the states.
How do you guys write your songs for the albums? Was there a certain technique used on Hrimthursum?
This time we all wrote songs at home and passed around demos to each other. Then we met in the rehersal place and started to arange the hole album. Usually we contribute more on each others songs than on Hrimthursum but this time we kept the stuff as the original ideas first came out.
The sound of Hrimthursum is pretty grand, and could possibly spring symphonic black metal into the mainstream even more than a group like Dimmu Borgir or Cradle of Filth did... are you guys aiming for this or was it unintended?
I fucking hate those bands so it must have been unintended...
What are some of your biggest musical influences?
Saxon, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Scorpions (until 1978), Bathory, Metal Church, Anvil
You've been around for a hell of a long time, yet you only released 5 full-length albums! Why is the production so slow for Necrophobic?
It´s the rest of you that are to fast... Its not a question of producing a lot of material to please the masses. We do this because we have an urge to do great music. If it takes 4 years to be satisfied with what you do then so be it.
Is Hrimthursum a concept album? If so, what is it about?
We had a concept in mind doing this album but the songs don´t follow a straight line. "Hrimthursum" is about when the Ancient Giants that has been frosen through time starts to wake and we describe the world through there eyes. A lot of it is taken from the North Mythology but we have rewritten it in our own words with a diffrent angle. Our goal is not "world peace".
I noticed you guys don't have a keyboard player... Were the orchestrations on Hrimthursum recorded by a real orchestra?
No, it was played mostly by the singer Tobias.
Most of you seem to be in a few different projects, how do you manage to get the work done on Necrophobic? Ever any conflicting schedules?
Necrophobic is our main priority and nothing else comes in the way of our plans. The thing is that we have not been tourin a lot so there has been plenty of room for other activitys. It´s also important to create music with other people to get new influences and power to concentrate on the main band.
What is your personal philosophy regarding black metal?
The black metal scene has become even more commersial than the Death Metal scene in the early 90´s. I concider Necrophobic a "Death Metal" band. Venom and Bathory were true black metal bands. Theres a few good BM bands nowadays like Nifelheim, Watain and Damnation but most is crap.
What are your future plans after the release of Hrimthursum?
To get out on the roads. We have also started to write new material for the next album.
Anything else you would like to get out for your fans to read?
Hope to see you all out there! Keep the scene alive, and stay true to the power of Metal!!
Thanks to Sebastion for his time, and for participating in this interview.
UM's Review of Necrophobic - Hrimthursum
Official Necrophobic Website
Official Regain Records Website
Necrophobic have recently unleashed a torrent of hatred and middle fingers in the form of a blasphemous album entitled Hrimthursum that is sure to please the metal community, but send the religious community into a mad dance of confusion and outrage. In other words, they're doing black metal the way it should be done and they don't give a crap who they offend in the process. If the phrase "Slaughter of Baby Jesus" makes you jostle with joy, then this is the album for you. If the phrase makes you cringe, then we can only hope someone close to you has this album and will blast it constantly to piss you off. I got the chance to talk indirectly to Sebastion, the lead guitarist for Necrophobic.
Would you care to introduce us to the band, and how long have you guys been around exactly?
The band started 1989 and the lineup now is Joakim Sterner, Drums since 1989, Tobias Sidegård, Bass/vocals members since 1991, Sebastian Ramstedt, lead guitar, member since 1996 and Johan Bergebäck Rythm Guitar member since 2000.
What language is the word "Hrimthursum" and what does it mean?
It´s islandic and it can be translated as "Frost Giants".
You guys seem to be pretty Anti-Christian... I think we can all agree Christianity is a pretty flawed religion that many black metal bands speak out against: What got you guys started on your journey against Christianity?
I guess that if we were from Iran we would be Anti-Islam. We live in a christian part of the world and get bothered by the problems that this cause. I prefere to say that Necrophobic are Anti-religious since we don´t agree with any of them. Religion has to much inluence on politics and society in these times when people should know better. Theres a lot stupid rules wich people accept in fear of insulting the church. I don´t think religios people should earn any respect just cause they are religious.

What's the deal with the hilariously titled first track from Hrimthursum, "The Slaughter of Baby Jesus"?
Actually I thougt more people would find some humour in this one but it seems like most listners takes this seriously. I think Tobias that came up with the title wanted something that sounded simple but still offending. I think it´s only Americans that use the frase "Baby Jesus" so it´s kind of kick in the nuts to the christian fanatics in the states.
How do you guys write your songs for the albums? Was there a certain technique used on Hrimthursum?
This time we all wrote songs at home and passed around demos to each other. Then we met in the rehersal place and started to arange the hole album. Usually we contribute more on each others songs than on Hrimthursum but this time we kept the stuff as the original ideas first came out.
The sound of Hrimthursum is pretty grand, and could possibly spring symphonic black metal into the mainstream even more than a group like Dimmu Borgir or Cradle of Filth did... are you guys aiming for this or was it unintended?
I fucking hate those bands so it must have been unintended...
What are some of your biggest musical influences?
Saxon, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Scorpions (until 1978), Bathory, Metal Church, Anvil
You've been around for a hell of a long time, yet you only released 5 full-length albums! Why is the production so slow for Necrophobic?
It´s the rest of you that are to fast... Its not a question of producing a lot of material to please the masses. We do this because we have an urge to do great music. If it takes 4 years to be satisfied with what you do then so be it.

Is Hrimthursum a concept album? If so, what is it about?
We had a concept in mind doing this album but the songs don´t follow a straight line. "Hrimthursum" is about when the Ancient Giants that has been frosen through time starts to wake and we describe the world through there eyes. A lot of it is taken from the North Mythology but we have rewritten it in our own words with a diffrent angle. Our goal is not "world peace".
I noticed you guys don't have a keyboard player... Were the orchestrations on Hrimthursum recorded by a real orchestra?
No, it was played mostly by the singer Tobias.
Most of you seem to be in a few different projects, how do you manage to get the work done on Necrophobic? Ever any conflicting schedules?
Necrophobic is our main priority and nothing else comes in the way of our plans. The thing is that we have not been tourin a lot so there has been plenty of room for other activitys. It´s also important to create music with other people to get new influences and power to concentrate on the main band.
What is your personal philosophy regarding black metal?
The black metal scene has become even more commersial than the Death Metal scene in the early 90´s. I concider Necrophobic a "Death Metal" band. Venom and Bathory were true black metal bands. Theres a few good BM bands nowadays like Nifelheim, Watain and Damnation but most is crap.
What are your future plans after the release of Hrimthursum?
To get out on the roads. We have also started to write new material for the next album.
Anything else you would like to get out for your fans to read?
Hope to see you all out there! Keep the scene alive, and stay true to the power of Metal!!
Thanks to Sebastion for his time, and for participating in this interview.
UM's Review of Necrophobic - Hrimthursum
Official Necrophobic Website
Official Regain Records Website