Need a good Dictionary


Endemic Vagabond
Feb 16, 2004
I'm getting into the habit of translating songs a bit, but I'm having a really hard time becuase I don't have a consistant dictionary to reference; can anyone of you reccomend a good online or physical dictionary? I've tried many online ones but most of them are just generalized words for people traveling.

Any Help?

edit: Swedish and Norwegian; for Norwegian I would need both riksmål and nynorsk dictionary though.
Swedish and Norwegian; for Norwegian I would need both riksmål and nynorsk dictionary though.
I asked my parents to buy me a french or english/swedish dictionary as a gift for xmas and i ended up choosing it myself, which isnt a bad thing lol i think its a good one : prisma's abridged ISBN 0-8166-2734-7
its a hard cover, 467 pages, good to begin with IMO
Thanks all, I'll be sure to let everyone know the results; the swedish one seems good, but time will tell :lol:

I'm still in good need of a nynorsk translator :D