need a little help on this one


May 7, 2007
Don't think I ever mixed quite so many instruments in a tune before (most are just keyboard sounds). Not sure if the strings, flutes, and such are at the right levels.

Little ditty called "Bartakes's Inn," which is a tavern in a Conan book (Conan and the Spider God). Tried to get a celtic/renaissance fair kinda vibe. Beware, it's very cheesey!

Not the best recording setup, but oh well. Did what I could with what I have: Randall hybrid direct w/a cab sim (once through the red channel, once through the clean with an ibanez tube king), cheapo yamaha keyboard, ez drummer, ampeg svx. Standard tuning, but I did manage to finally pound on the low B on my 5 string bass, that doesn't happen to often.

[edit: final version below]
final version is done for anyone that wants to hear....bumped up the vox in the intro clip and did a few small hihat fixes. tough crowd around here these days.

edit: link down. I actually got some useful advice from another forum and need to implement those changes.
dude why does it sound so mono?? the whole 1st section. The drums sound really bad, any chance you can get your hands on a better software??

The keys sound alright. But the rest of the mix is fairly dull and has no punch.
dude why does it sound so mono?? the whole 1st section. The drums sound really bad, any chance you can get your hands on a better software??

The keys sound alright. But the rest of the mix is fairly dull and has no punch.

not sure about the mono-ness issue. the keys are mostly centered (might be a tad L or R at parts). the bass is centered. the drums are stereo, and the guitars are hard L and R. it's likely a result of the centered (& more prominent) keys. then again you said this about another stereo mix on the forum, so that brings it back to your ears.

no new drum software in my immediate future, just don't have the funds.

the dullness/punch are likely a result of my attempt at mastering, which probably squeezed the life out of the dynamics.

You forgot to say the guitar playing sounded like I have one arm and the guitar was probably a pink hello kitty strat with single coil pickups, but I'll assume that you meant to add that.

good thing I didn't quit my day job, huh!