Need a singer to finish a EP

Nuno Filipe

You talkin' to me?
Jul 1, 2009
Hey! After 6 months of hard work I finished the composition of 4 song for my EP. So now I need a singer or singers to complete the work. I want someone that can handle clean vocals but agressive vocals are also needed, lots of riffs to scream!lol So it may be 2 singers. The 4 songs in this EP are bit different between each other because I hear a lot of shit so it translates to my composition, so there are much more than one style in question. Hear for yourselves. Btw this is not the final mixes.

I made a compilation with almost all riffs in the EP.
Obrigado ;) tou a ver k para vozes melodicas vou ter procurar por alguem em foruns portugueses, k era o k eu n keria!lol