Need alot of Criticism for my mix

Really like the composition on this one. Gonna go out on a limb and guess there is no bass guitar, which would lead me to the next obvious statement: there's no real low end to any of the instruments that i can tell. Very good for an early production. I hear a lot of synth work in there, try going through and adding some Root notes in a lower synth that follow the guitar.
^ +1 the loudness is not there at all... is there a hpf at like 10khz haha jk.. i love the mix and the music. feels wicked 80's! :).. but its miss low end on drums and no bass at all. my subwoofer is not pumping at all.
Their is bass on it it's just pretty fucking quiet and i geuss the fact that the low end isn't really there doesn't help. and Thank you guys I knew their was something obvious that it was lacking but i just couldn't figure it out. and as for the volume I geuss I've just been mixing really quietly because when ever i bounce my songs to listen in different environments (mainly my laptop which has shitty speakers (stupid place to judge i know) it sounds shittier. But I'll definitely put some more Low end on their and try and raise the volume more
Thanks again guys!
The guitars could use some more mids, i find the tone a bit sharp n' scratchy to my ears. Taste perhaps. Nice song, reminds me of a band called Skyfire. Just give the guitars some third dimension.