Need fresh ears, please!


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

I start mixing a new project. For the guitars I did many tests and EQing... I feel the drums and bass are not too bad but the guitars sound 'muffled' or seem to have a low mid cut. Will try again some things to fix it but I need some help/advices to bring some life and air in them. Any criticism about this premix will also be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: clip updated + limiter comparison in my last post
Yes 'empty' is the word. It feels like it lacks some mids but everything I do seems to not work to fix that. Any idea to help me?
try to add some gritty bass mids in there, also it may sound way "fuller" with vocals, that's the main part missing IMHO.
Will try that for the bass tone and maybe add some 200-400hz in the guitar sound. Thank you man!
Yeah :) Thanks for taking time to listen to my shit! You were right, the bass sounds better and really brings some bite. I really like the guitars now too! I also worked on the drums to make this kick sound less annoying.
Liked the drums, they're tight!
Guitars sound good, but as for the bass, I'd clean some 80-100 Hz area on it a bit. Just to make it more definitive.
BTW, what if make the guitars louder a little?
Thanks for listening Nikolas! Drums are programmed. I received the WAV files then replaced the shells. I dont like the cymbals that much but after some work they sound ok. I hate MIDI drums tbh but hey, I do with what I get! I put a C4 on the guitar buss to control 120hz area and its much better. I'm working on the overdubs now the next big step for me is the vocals... Will post a clip as soon as I can.
Well, my mix is still under construction BUT it's getting good I think :) Any observation/comment welcome and very helpful as always!

At the same time, I saw a few threads recently about mastering favorite limiters, etc. and it's a recurrent question for me so, instead of creating another thread about it, I take advantage of this one to make a little comparison of what I have at my disposal... I pushed them a bit.
T.racks Brickwall Limiter
T.racks Clipper
Waves L1

Opinions, preferences?