need help about katatonia videos

good question, i'd like to know the answer to although it seems a bit wierd that a lot of Katatonia related threads pop up on the opeth board, i mean im not pissed off or anything, just i wonder why dont people post stuff like this on the Katatonia forum...:rolleyes:

NP - The Leper Affinity - live at the underworld 4th decmeber 2001 :D
i did it but noone replied. so i thought that maybe someone can help me over here. coz this forum is much bigger and most of the opeth fans love katatonia..
so firstly think about it before writing a reply..
I think there isn't a website where you can download Katatonia videos and stuff.
First because they actually don't have videos around ( a part from the teargas live-that was on thier official site a while back- and maybe a Deadhouse one, which actually I've never seen).
There was a live in Paris bootleg on Audiogalaxy, I thnik that's the only thing you can download from the web...