Need help from Edguy and Helloween fans

Andy Laudano

Feb 24, 2005
Ft Worth Texas
I work for a Dallas rock/metal magazine called Harder Beat. You can read it free online at This month is our year's end issue and we have an online poll for "Band of the Year." Edguy and Helloween are nominated alongside mainstream acts Green Day and System of a Down. I nominated them because I have one smug editor who told me "No one's ever heard of Edguy" and "Nobody cares about Helloween anymore." Please help me prove him wrong by taking a couple of seconds to vote in our poll. Thanks ~ Andy

You can also read my interviews with Helloween's Andi Deris and Cornerstone's Doogie White in this issue as well.

Just 'cause you mentioned it, I voted for Edguy, but there were at least 2 or 3 other choices there that I would have normally voted higher...notably SYL. :)

Helloween still needs some lovin', folks.
HELLOWEEN should be up for the longevity award. They still kick ass to this day, and their latest is a great album imo. Other than Stratovarius, I think Helloween would be the best way to close out Prog Power. What better way to end the festivities than with Eagle Fly Free, I Want Out, or Future World.

I know I turend this into a post praising Helloween, but lets be honest here, they are innovators, and continue to inspire a multitude of similar, aspiring bands. The only better thing than having Helloween is having Kiske join them. Yeah I know, Glenn said no reunions this year...
nightwish58 said:
HELLOWEEN should be up for the longevity award. They still kick ass to this day, and their latest is a great album imo. Other than Stratovarius, I think Helloween would be the best way to close out Prog Power. What better way to end the festivities than with Eagle Fly Free, I Want Out, or Future World.

I know I turend this into a post praising Helloween, but lets be honest here, they are innovators, and continue to inspire a multitude of similar, aspiring bands. The only better thing than having Helloween is having Kiske join them. Yeah I know, Glenn said no reunions this year...

Helloween has played the states before, so I think the Stratovarius experience was a bigger deal, IMO. It would be cool to see them headline though.
Thanks again to everyone that has voted on this. I really appreciate your helping me out. Edguy is off to a commanding lead and Helloween is right up there as well! I cant wait to hear what my editor has to say now!

Thanks again ~ Andy
Edguy 69 68%
Helloween 13 13%
Dream Theater 10 10%
System of a Down 3 3%
Strapping Young Lad 3 3%
Green Day 1 1%
Jaded Heart 1 1%
White Stripes 1 1%

The results of this poll @ 8:27 EST 12/15 (there's probably 8-10 more bands w/ 0 votes.)
SwordLord said:
I voted ... for EDGUY! :loco:

After viewing the results of the poll, the moral of the story is clear ... don't MESS WITH POWER METAL PEOPLE! :headbang:

You guys totally rule! Edguy's got over 100 votes already! Thanks again so much for your help!

As for when the voting ends, I heard it was supposed to continue until January, with the results printed in the Feb. issue. Once I get an actual date, I'll let you know.
Edguy - because I have finally gotten into their music. And I haven't cared for any Helloween material since KotSK II. Sorry.

And if I may confess, the only time I ever listened to Edguy was the Theater of Salvation cd when it debuted. A friend let me borrow it and I couldn't get past the first song. I thought it was bland and boring.

I have recently changed my mind however, after requesting more of their material on Beyond Ear Candy. (Damn you, Dave!!! ;) ). Now I have Hall of Flame and the King of Fools under the tree for Christmas, and Hellfire Club on back order at The End. I'll be ordering Rocket Ride as soon as it's released as well. Then I'll backtrack to Mandrake.

Damn good stuff. I'm glad my musical tastes have finally broadened, thanks mostly to the ProgPower community.

Pellaz said:
Can I cast a negative vote for White Stripes (retch)? :D

BTW, Hoyt, we played Overlorde on WREKage last night. :)

Why thank you. Thank you very much. Thats great to hear, Pellaz!

Let us know if you’d like to do some sort of call in interview.

Have you seen our new video clip yet?