Need help from Edguy and Helloween fans

markgugs said:
I'm more interested in knowing what Edguy did in 2005 to warrant inclusion on this poll?

The proper answer to this question is that they continued to tour in support of Hellfire Club, including an awesome show in Chicago's House of Blues with HammerFall that I attended and they released the Superheroes EP and DVD. The EP is awesome and includes the big Avantasia-like "Judas at the Opera House" with guest vocals from Michael Kiske, a killer cover of Magmum's "The Spirit" and more. That's just as good of a reason as anyone else nominated in the poll.

The real answer is I nominated them to piss off one of my editors who tends to give me a hard time about writing up and interviewing bands that aren't as main stream or well known in the U.S. After I'd recently turned in a Live review and photos from the Edguy/HammerFall show in Chicago, an interview with Tobias Sammet and a CD/DVD review of Superheroes, he said to me "Why do you write up Edguy so much, nobody knows who they are!" So when someone at the magazine had the bright idea to do this poll, I nominated Edguy! He said "Are you serious? No one's gonna vote for them, System of a Down and Green Day are going to get all the voyes." Thanks to all your votes, he now has to eat his words, as obviously quite a few people know who Edguy is.

Thanks again to everyone who voted in this poll.
Andy Laudano said:
The proper answer to this question is that they continued to tour in support of Hellfire Club, including an awesome show in Chicago's House of Blues with HammerFall that I attended and they released the Superheroes EP and DVD. The EP is awesome and includes the big Avantasia-like "Judas at the Opera House" with guest vocals from Michael Kiske, a killer cover of Magmum's "The Spirit" and more. That's just as good of a reason as anyone else nominated in the poll.

The real answer is I nominated them to piss off one of my editors who tends to give me a hard time about writing up and interviewing bands that aren't as main stream or well known in the U.S. After I'd recently turned in a Live review and photos from the Edguy/HammerFall show in Chicago, an interview with Tobias Sammet and a CD/DVD review of Superheroes, he said to me "Why do you write up Edguy so much, nobody knows who they are!" So when someone at the magazine had the bright idea to do this poll, I nominated Edguy! He said "Are you serious? No one's gonna vote for them, System of a Down and Green Day are going to get all the voyes." Thanks to all your votes, he now has to eat his words, as obviously quite a few people know who Edguy is.

Thanks again to everyone who voted in this poll.

Sticking it to the man, thats beautiful!
Andy Laudano said:
The proper answer to this question is that they continued to tour in support of Hellfire Club, including an awesome show in Chicago's House of Blues with HammerFall that I attended and they released the Superheroes EP and DVD. The EP is awesome and includes the big Avantasia-like "Judas at the Opera House" with guest vocals from Michael Kiske, a killer cover of Magmum's "The Spirit" and more. That's just as good of a reason as anyone else nominated in the poll.

The real answer is I nominated them to piss off one of my editors who tends to give me a hard time about writing up and interviewing bands that aren't as main stream or well known in the U.S. After I'd recently turned in a Live review and photos from the Edguy/HammerFall show in Chicago, an interview with Tobias Sammet and a CD/DVD review of Superheroes, he said to me "Why do you write up Edguy so much, nobody knows who they are!" So when someone at the magazine had the bright idea to do this poll, I nominated Edguy! He said "Are you serious? No one's gonna vote for them, System of a Down and Green Day are going to get all the voyes." Thanks to all your votes, he now has to eat his words, as obviously quite a few people know who Edguy is.

Thanks again to everyone who voted in this poll.

lol, ok, cool.

I voted for Helloween, btw. :D
markgugs said:
lol, ok, cool.

I voted for Helloween, btw. :D

That's cool too because we had to nominate two bands and Helloween was my other pic. Same editor gave me shit about writing them up too much because "No one cares about Helloween anymore." A vote for Helloween is also a vote for my cause and gives him even more words to eat. The two bands he made fun of are now dominating their poll!:rock:
With a lot of these online polls though, all it takes is for fans (or band-members in some cases :)) to notice the poll and post messages in band forums, and voila! Flash crowd! Instant votes! :)

Polls like this are unscientific as hell...but hopefully this one will stay as-is long enough for your editor to eat some crow. :D
MEFlyingV said:
Why thank you. Thank you very much. Thats great to hear, Pellaz!

Gotta give credit where it's due: thanks go to Steve Cannon of Vibrations of Doom for happening to bring an Overlorde CD with him when he visited the studio last Friday. The station was never sent a copy.

Let us know if you’d like to do some sort of call in interview.

Umm..... These have nearly always ended up being disasters due to technical problems. There's a reason why the Opeth interview was done before a show and then played later. :tickled:

Have you seen our new video clip yet?

I'll check it out.
Andy Laudano said:
As for when the voting ends, I heard it was supposed to continue until January, with the results printed in the Feb. issue. Once I get an actual date, I'll let you know.

Looks like this poll is going to go on a little longer than I thought. I talked to my other editor, who also owns the magazine and she said that they forgot to include the poll in the printed version of the magazine. Looks like we'll run the poll in the next issue and post the results in the following so that the readers that just pick up the printed version will have a chance to go online and vote. She said she was supprised by the voting results so far but figured a lot of it had to come from the Prog Power people since the last 3 years I've brought a couple hundred magazines with me and set them out for people to take with all the other free stuff at PP. I think it's opened her eyes a bit to the potential online fanbase the magazine could have. She also thinks SoaD's numbers will go up quite a bit once the print version is available. Whether they do or not, thanks to all of you I've made my point to her and my other editor. Thanks again for voting.