Need help on blog searching


Greekus Urungus
Mar 15, 2006
The Low Low, IL
I search blogs quite often and i haven't had any problems until now. This site:

has become a royal pain in the ass lately. It usually says
INTERNET EXPLORER CAN NOT OPEN SITE blah blah blah OPERATION ABORTED. Sometimes it'll open up fine, but most of the time it is full of fail.

Anyone else know of any other ways to search blogs?

and no i'm not using regular google.
Internet Explorer is full of fail. Maybe try a different browser.

Edit: whiskey funeral, arg you beat me to it, I can't stand Internet Explorer.
I've been hearing about this thing called Firefox you might want to try out, it might help you.
What are you searching for on blogs anyway?

I've found that using advanced search with Google and looking for exact terms can do wonders. If you have FireFox, that simply means putting the exact terms in quotation marks and leaving single words out of them.
The only things that people search blogs for are music downloads and pornography, so it's not like people don't already have a pretty good idea. Don't be so shy.