Need Help Smoothing out Guitar Frequency


New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2011
Sup guys, got some really weird shit going on. I'm needing some help trying to get a smooth guitar frequency mic'd from a cab. I apparently have some weird things going on and I'm not quite sure how to go about fixing the issues. Of course, I could eq it to death but I'd rather not so I'm just looking for some suggestions and possible fixes . I have done quite a few dry guitar tracks and started to re-amp the files but I'm getting alot of peaks and valleys as well as hellish annoying honking/metallic type sound resonating at 1.14khz. Attached is a pic of the frequency ranges.

The signal chain is:

Dry signal recorded with an Washburn x50pro with emgs.

Radial Reamp box -> Od808 ->Decimator -> Mesa Roadster HD -> Randall Warhead 4x12 cab (v30s) -> SM57 mic -> Demeter mic Pre-amp -> interface

The mic position is center half on/half off the dust cap. 1 inch away from the grille.

I've tried several different mic positions but it still seems to be the same. I'm almost wondering if it's more to do with the over sized cab dimensions. Any suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated! I figured at least someone has had this issue before and could possibly propose solution and what's actually happening. I'm just at a loss for the moment.:guh:

Edit all is fixed:
Well after several hours of working on shit, I decided to start from scratch. I believe it had to do with several things but I'll try to be as detailed as possible in hopes that it may help someone else if they ever come across this issue. It's been a while since I set this rig up so partly it's noob mistakes and partly gear.

1) After double checking the room I actually realized I had my cab a bit to close to the wall creating a proximity effect. (facepalm*) coulda slapped myself for that. Anyway I move it about 3ft away. Bass response was better.

2) I set all the eqs on the head back to 12 o'clock and set the gain to taste. Doubled checked my setting in the back and actually realized I was running channel 3 at the 50 watt setting. I set it back to 100 watt. Once I did that I did a few runs and tweaked the eqs further until I had the sound I wanted. Positioned the mic while monitoring. Everything started to sound 10x better and blended better with the pre-mix, but I was still getting that annoying 1.14hz hollow or honking sound from the guitars.

3) About a month ago I remember I had about 5 guitars set up at a local music shop and realized that the emg 81 was a bit too close to the strings. So much so that when fretting higher on the fretboard it touched the 81 and didn't resonate. I did a few run throughs and realized the honking noise seemed to be right with the picking attack. Re-adjusted the pickups and that seemed to solve the issues.

Hope this is helpful to someone in the future. Now I'm gonna drink some beer!!!
Post a clip of the track you need help with..

Numbers and half-on-above-beyond-behind-the-bathtub-on-the-cap doesn't make any difference..
It's like asking how the sandwich, you just made, tastes like.. by listing 20 ingredients..

A wild guess is that the metallic sound is from the guitar/DI, some strings can give a metallic sound if they aren't muted with ex. rubberfoam or a sock..
Well after several hours of working on shit, I decided to start from scratch. I believe it had to do with several things but I'll try to be as detailed as possible in hopes that it may help someone else if they ever come across this issue. It's been a while since I set this rig up so partly it's noob mistakes and partly gear.

1) After double checking the room I actually realized I had my cab a bit to close to the wall creating a proximity effect. (facepalm*) coulda slapped myself for that. Anyway I move it about 3ft away. Bass response was better.

2) I set all the eqs on the head back to 12 o'clock and set the gain to taste. Doubled checked my setting in the back and actually realized I was running channel 3 at the 50 watt setting. I set it back to 100 watt. Once I did that I did a few runs and tweaked the eqs further until I had the sound I wanted. Positioned the mic while monitoring. Everything started to sound 10x better and blended better with the pre-mix, but I was still getting that annoying 1.14hz hollow or honking sound from the guitars.

3) About a month ago I remember I had about 5 guitars set up at a local music shop and realized that the emg 81 was a bit too close to the strings. So much so that when fretting higher on the fretboard it touched the 81 and didn't resonate. I did a few run throughs and realized the honking noise seemed to be right with the picking attack. Re-adjusted the pickups and that seemed to solve the issues.

Hope this is helpful to someone in the future. :kickass: Now I'm gonna drink some beer!!!
Why do so many people think you need to have the pickups right on the fucking strings? And then you buy active sets and complain about the boominess? Pull that fucker back a little. Now you can be as heavy handed as you want to be.
Put the sound files in the Public folder then use Copy Public Link, none of your links work.