Need help sorting crap from good...please



I was given 35 discs, PROMO cds. Two are samplers though. But, I've got too many too sort through to find the best of the lot.

Here's what I got that I know I'll love, or have already done what I needed to do with..

Kreator--Live Kreation (great!)
Nuclear Assault--Alive Again (very, very good!)

Then these, I know I'll like:

Devin Townsend Band--Accelerated Evolution
Cryptopsy--None so Live
Soilwork--Figure NO# Five (eh, I won't like that, who am I kidding?)
Carnal Forge--The more you Suffer
Grave Digger--Rheingold
The Two Samplers, Mercenary Musik, and WWWIII.

Here's the one's that I really don't know how to sort, I could use some input please?????

Mystic Prophecy--Regressus
Crapsody--Power of the Fag Flame <------hate that band. Sorry
Valley's Eve--Deception Of Pain
Narnia--The great fall (WTF?)
Alchemist--Austral Alien
Secret Sphere--Scent of Human Desire
Allegiance--Hymns of Blood
Iron Savior--Condition Red (2 copies...huh.)
Skinlab--Revolting Room
Labrat--Ruining it for everyone (cool title)
Vital Remains--Dechristinize (not a total Glenn fan, but will most likely really like this one...I think.)
Withered Earth--Of Which they Bleed
Sinister--Savage or Grace (same as Dechristianize)
Sonata Artica--Winterhearts Guild
NAGLFAR!!!! Sheol
Madder Mortem--Deadlands (ONE of you was talking about this one!)
Fleshgrind--Murder without end
Lana Lane--Project Shangri-la
Montany--New Born Day
Solefals (? Sp?)--IN Harmonia Universali

Is this a bunch of crap, where should I start? I've got other releases to work on, but are you familiar with any of these bands, and if so, which ones are the best? (I know some of those listed above are good to outstanding)
Unreg said:
I was given 35 discs, PROMO cds. Two are samplers though. But, I've got too many too sort through to find the best of the lot.

Here's what I got that I know I'll love, or have already done what I needed to do with..

Kreator--Live Kreation (great!)
Nuclear Assault--Alive Again (very, very good!)

Then these, I know I'll like:

Devin Townsend Band--Accelerated Evolution
Cryptopsy--None so Live
Soilwork--Figure NO# Five (eh, I won't like that, who am I kidding?)
Carnal Forge--The more you Suffer
Grave Digger--Rheingold
The Two Samplers, Mercenary Musik, and WWWIII.

Here's the one's that I really don't know how to sort, I could use some input please?????

Mystic Prophecy--Regressus
Crapsody--Power of the Fag Flame <------hate that band. Sorry
Valley's Eve--Deception Of Pain
Narnia--The great fall (WTF?)
Alchemist--Austral Alien
Secret Sphere--Scent of Human Desire
Allegiance--Hymns of Blood
Iron Savior--Condition Red (2 copies...huh.)
Skinlab--Revolting Room
Labrat--Ruining it for everyone (cool title)
Vital Remains--Dechristinize (not a total Glenn fan, but will most likely really like this one...I think.)
Withered Earth--Of Which they Bleed
Sinister--Savage or Grace (same as Dechristianize)
Sonata Artica--Winterhearts Guild
NAGLFAR!!!! Sheol
Madder Mortem--Deadlands (ONE of you was talking about this one!)
Fleshgrind--Murder without end
Lana Lane--Project Shangri-la
Montany--New Born Day
Solefals (? Sp?)--IN Harmonia Universali

Is this a bunch of crap, where should I start? I've got other releases to work on, but are you familiar with any of these bands, and if so, which ones are the best? (I know some of those listed above are good to outstanding)

ALCHEMIST is awesome...
For info on VITAL REMAINS (including interview with Tony Lazaro and cd review) & review of SINISTER's latest, go to our website, click on the Royal carnage logo..