Need help to get this tone!


New Metal Member
Feb 10, 2014
Hi all!

i'm doing a cover of this song but i can't get an acceptable rhythm guitar tone.I'm trying to replicate the sound of the rhythm guitars in the song but it seems that mine is too wider and thin in relation to that one in the video.I'm using a combination of TSE X50.2 and Amplitube 3 (Engl Powerball),with Poulin LeCab 2 with Redwirez impulses and Ownhammer V30 new cabs,trying dozen of combinations but i'm non satisfied with the result achieved..:cry:

I've doubletracked the rhythm guitars,one panned hard left and one hard right.
Anyone with good suggestion to help me to get the tone I need? cabs,equalization,effects etc etc?

Sorry for the noob questions!

Hey thanks Frank,i've tried with your tse x50 settings but i still can't get the tone I wish.
For He's dead Jim,I've doubletracked rhythm part,one panned hard left and one panned hard right,for each I use a different ampsim,for lead I use a track only panned in center.

Here's my mix,as you can see it sucks,rhythm guitars aren't deep enough and they don't sound like guitars in the vid.

edit:ehhhh so,why the quality on mediafire is so horrible?
:lol: I imagined,loads of bass...i'm using a pair of headphones (mdr 7506),better return to monitors...thanks for the advices men,i'm a good guitar player but i don't know a about mastering eqing etc...
So s1770,do you mean to add another take to rhythm guitars?
Hey thanks Frank,i've tried with your tse x50 settings but i still can't get the tone I wish.
For He's dead Jim,I've doubletracked rhythm part,one panned hard left and one panned hard right,for each I use a different ampsim,for lead I use a track only panned in center.

Here's my mix,as you can see it sucks,rhythm guitars aren't deep enough and they don't sound like guitars in the vid.

edit:ehhhh so,why the quality on mediafire is so horrible?

I would not use a different amp on each side. Too much difference. You can change the amp or cab settings a little bit, but having two completely different amps will sound really weird.

As for the other instruments:

Cymbals - too loud
Kick and snare - not loud enough
Bass - too loud and boomy
Guitars - Need more midrange
I didnt know this band, checked the video, and it sounds amazing :) so I made an IR for this, I think its very close. A great addition to my IR PACK 8 :) here it is in action:

In this video I recorded 2 guitar tracks, 100% each side, and in some parts I recorded some extra guitars for armonies. Didnt use any lowpass or highpass.
One important thing, to get their powerful sound, you need a good bass, and great drums, so... dont think the IR will make your mix like theirs :)
Here you have the impulse response in 2 versions:
1- For TSE 808 (with "tone" almost maxed), TSE X30 (default settings), and then the impulse loader with this impulse:
2- For GRINDMACHINE (animal amp, cab disabled), then an impulse loader with this impulse:

Both versions have almost same sound, so you can use the version of the plugin you use :)

If you use TSE X50v2, use the built in TSE 808 with "tone" almost at max, the rest by default, load the TSE version of the impulse in the built in IR loader, and use an extra IR loader, and load this one to make the conversion from X30 to X50v2: X30 to X50v2.wav

If this IR is good for you, please let me know :)
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I didnt know this band, checked the video, and it sounds amazing :) so I made an IR for this, I think its very close. A great addition to my IR PACK 8 :) here it is in action:
In this video I recorded 2 guitar tracks, 100% each side, and in some parts I recorded some extra guitars for armonies. Didnt use any lowpass or highpass.
One important thing, to get their powerful sound, you need a good bass, and great drums, so... dont think the IR will make your mix like theirs :)
Here you have the impulse response in 2 versions:
1- For TSE 808 (with "tone" almost maxed), TSE X30 (default settings), and then the impulse loader with this impulse:
2- For GRINDMACHINE (animal amp, cab disabled), then an impulse loader with this impulse:

Both versions have almost same sound, so you can use the version of the plugin you use :)

If you use TSE X50v2, use the built in TSE 808 with "tone" almost at max, the rest by default, load the TSE version of the impulse in the built in IR loader, and use an extra IR loader, and load this one to make the conversion from X30 to X50v2: X30 to X50v2.wav

If this IR is good for you, please let me know :)

Thanks Dave awesome work as aways brother :)

@ Wolerineblues follow Daves instructions give it a shot man :)

Dave can be Found @
Dave you just nailed it with this IR :) It just became my fav beside Messiah. I am totally gonna spread the word about it!!!!!
Dave you just nailed it with this IR :) It just became my fav beside Messiah. I am totally gonna spread the word about it!!!!!
Thnx a lot :)
And remember, in the description of the video you have all my 7 packs, with more than 200 IRs from bands/amps, an endless source of sounds :)
But anyway, you dont hneed to look the description of the video to find them, here they are:
Guitar Impulse packs:
For TSE 808 (tone maxed) & TSE X30 (default settings):

Guitar IR Packs for GRINDMACHINE (settings by default, cabinet disable, amplifier: ANIMAL):