Need help with raw "old-school" death/doom


Mar 6, 2007
The closest thing I can think of to give you an idea of what style tone I'm after would be some old Grave. I've put together a looped clip for you guys to listen to and hopefully help direct my ears.

I feel its pretty close to what I'm after but it just isn't quite there yet.
I'd very much appreciate any feedback on how I can improve this one.
The clip is from a song I'm working on called Holes Full of Blood inspired by getting my wisdom teeth ripped out. My vision for the song is for a thick/crunchy/painful guitar tone with some 6ft under style vox and the song overall to be fairly slow and repetitive.
The 2nd time around there is a bit of guitar meowing/crying that I'm not sure how it ended up in this clip...most likely pain meds.

Thanks guys

Being as you say you're a fan of albums like Soulless and I just checked out your website in your sig, what are the odds you'd be up to a collab man? I've got the next couple of weeks open as I'm currently on a vacation of sorts overseas visiting my fiance and I'm not legally able to work so I'm all about the jamz. Originally from Indiana, though, and not looking to join anything more then an online collab group. What do you say?
This sound fucking good to me. What gear and settings did you use to get that guitar sound??
This sound fucking good to me. What gear and settings did you use to get that guitar sound??

Thanks man!!! :kickass:
The guitar is 2 tracks panned l/r 100%
Schecter Omen 6 "diamond series" with factory pups
DOD Juice Box ~ [sweet 100%] [pulp 100%] [tang 100%] [juice 0%]
Pod XT Pro ~ ms criminal + treadplate + condenser [-20 pad input]
bass 100% ~ mid 3-4 'clock ~ treb 100% ~ pres 12 'clock ~ vol 12 'clock
EQ: 125 +4 ~ 250 -4 ~ 2.1 +3 ~ 6.1 -4
stomp: classic dist ~ drive 30% ~ gain 30% ~ tone 50%

both tracks group bussed through some multiband comp on low-mids