Need help working out the creator of a Power metal song


Pitiful Newbie
Feb 2, 2006
I asked for help at another forum (for a game, rather than metal), and someone suggested I try here. I copied the following from there.

I've got some mp3s (from someone else) and amongst them is one which's file name is "wargods.mp3". I quite like it, but I've just told you all* I know about it. If I knew who wrote/performed it, I might buy some of their music (this depends mostly on wheither or not I could find some).

Here are a few bits of the lyrics I typed out while listening to it. ( I think they're in chronological order too)

step into the hall of your fathers, seek answers to questions fate

riding from the past on wings of evil

blinding eyes with prophecy and fear

the gods of war they come

you scream to your jealous gods what have we done

you cry for the fathers child dying today

only your suffering can take the war gods away

wipe away your sorrow and your tears

Click here to listen to the first 59 seconds.

Please help me. I like power and I try to avoid illegal stuff (although, some "illegal" things I don't avoid, like ripping a legally purchased cd so that I can listen to it without having the disk in my drive).

*well, not quite all, but close enough that most people wouldn't bother with this.
sorry i dont know what is this song. I'm trying to find the fragments of the lyrics in my favourite lyric's webs and isn't succesfull.
I save the song and a will ask to my friends.

You had a good idea extracting the lyrics. I'm not english and it is out of my capacity. Please if you have time, can you extract lyrics of any of my songs????

i'll very pleased with you
bastik said:
sorry i dont know what is this song. I'm trying to find the fragments of the lyrics in my favourite lyric's webs and isn't succesfull.
I save the song and a will ask to my friends.

You had a good idea extracting the lyrics. I'm not english and it is out of my capacity. Please if you have time, can you extract lyrics of any of my songs????

i'll very pleased with you

It's 00:00 (think 24 hour clock) here, so I'm off to bed, I might have a bit of a go later today (after I've slept).