Need help.


Cocain supervillian
Nov 1, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
What would you do if you needed to tell someone you love something, But you knew that it would crush them?

ive made a really bad decision and i think that my partner is going to pay for it. this feels like shit. anyone help?
Kind of hard to help when you have no idea what's going on. So far it sounds like you love an object...not sure if that's correct though.
pregnancy? abortion? cheating? guessing games are fun.........

Never the less, if you need to tell someone something, tell them. It's that simple.
If you've slept with someone else (drunk or not) then I find it hard to believe that you actually loved your partner in the first place....but that's just me. If you do then you'll tell him ASAP. The longer you go without telling him the longer you are lying.
^ I completely agree with you.

I've never understood how someone could cheat on someone they 'love.' Even if it was a mistake, you should probably tell him otherwise you're only doing yourself worse, and hurting him twice as much.
I can totally understand this thread (and I mean since I am in the situation right now but just the other way around:( )

and I agree with scitzo 300%. Also understanding why is important