Need opinions for my first "public" mix.


New Metal Member
Mar 29, 2008
Tampere, Finland
I would like to have some straightforward feedback from my first demo and mix. Guitars are played with eko les paul with jazz/jb pickups to bad monkey boosted 5150. Cab is carvin legacy 4x12 with vintage 30's. I'm far away from being satisfied with these tones, so i would apreciate any tips from you pro's. Drums are made with addictive drums. Bass is playd with crappy 4-sting J&D to G&G Backline 600 head. Guitars and bass are miced with 57.

So what do you like about the song?

Here is the link:

It is Finnish site, but just push that play button..
whats wrong with the guitar tones? sound great...

only bad thing is the bass...put a nice bass behind that, remove slap, nice kick, beautiful...