need opinions on this mix REAL AMPS!

Nice one! Pretty solid mix. I'm at work and using my laptop speakers so I'm not getting great sound, but it sounds like the amps could use just a tad bit more gain. I'll check it out when I get home, but it sounds pretty solid so far.
you'll need to bring up the bass a little bit more.
drums sound really nice and clear, guitars sound really nice, raw, transparent!

Nice one! Pretty solid mix. I'm at work and using my laptop speakers so I'm not getting great sound, but it sounds like the amps could use just a tad bit more gain. I'll check it out when I get home, but it sounds pretty solid so far.

Thanks man. I'll mess with the gain a bit more next time I reamp and see what happens.

The tone, it is weird, young Skywalker. Proximity effect?

I find it to be weird too. not sure what to do to get rid of the "boxy" sound. I have egg crate foam almost completely surrounding the front side of the cab, so I don't think it's room reflections. maybe I just still suck at mic placement. haha. I'm definitely just a n00b at this.

you'll need to bring up the bass a little bit more.
drums sound really nice and clear, guitars sound really nice, raw, transparent!


Thanks man. I've always been a fan of massive guitars and minimal bass (kinda like adam d does). the bass in this one is actually a bit hotter than normal for me. I'll give it a shot on my next mix. I'm thinking if I hp the guitars a bit higher and bring the bass up, it may make things a bit clearer. problem I have most of the time though is sloppy musicians. I record mostly high school aged bands, so I do my best to coach them into as good of takes as I can get from them.

5150 thru a Mesa 4x12?

yessur. boosted with a ts9dx. I also reamped through a boosted Stiletto and mesa 4x12 cab to give a little fuller sound. panned them about 75-75 and the 5150 100-100. kinda glues things together a bit too.