What have you used for the guitars ?
One guitar for all rhythm tracks, don't remember the exact model but it was a Schecter with EMGs. I reamp through my Engl Savage 120 and my mesa recto cab 2x12. Different mic positions (90% SM57 / 10% MD421) for each guitar and slightly different processing. I have many plugins for the guitars. I had to put 2 stock Pro Tools EQs only with cuts just to "balance" (mainly because of the bad picking technique between each section), SSL channel to color a tiny bit and C4. SDRR, VTM and L1 are also in the chain.
Thanks a lot guys for your time and your help, it's much appreciated
As for the snare, I quite like the ring for this song. I'll check that out tho. The snare is different (say sample blending) for each song. Not necessary totally different but with a "special colour" if tha makes sense. I'll post the final result when I have time to finish.