Need some advice on this deathcore mix


New Metal Member
Aug 22, 2012
This is is my first time ever producing metal and I'm no professional.

But I need some advice on this mix to make it sound a lot more cleaner, wider, and just more pleasing to the ear.

I have problems with the toms sounding too papery i Guess..
and guitars dont feel strong enough.. I unno I'm looking for it to sound something liek Oceano.

The drums are all sampled except cymbals, and yeah.. I could really use the help as this is for an EP!

The song is called

Surrogate Realms
By :Unfathomed

Here's the mp3:

Looking forward to your advice guys thank you!
lots of mud and wierd bass resonances going on. you should buy "The Systematic Mixing guide" by emrz. it will help you a shitload to fix that muddy bass. i would slice out those bass notes that resonate and take chunk out of 500. and the guitars sound boomy. compress 60-200 on the guitars and maybe a cut around 600-800ish. i guess just start cutting out all the crappy shit thats going on in there. it will open everything up.
Yeah or whatever multi Band comp you have. There's a preset that Andy made for the c4 that works as a good starting point. What are you using for guitars? I know sturgis has posted his podfarm settings for that record. And I think he is using kick 10 and snare 12. If you post the raws I could give it a shot?