Need some death metal vocals for 4-song EP


Apr 19, 2009
To all the guys that responded, thanks. I'll get you a track in the next day or so, hopefully. Won't be the one there on the link, though.
Damn! I've had a fuckton of editing and mixing work lately, so I haven't gotten into this.
I will be doing this before the weekend as I have a bit of time.

Sorry for taking so long! :(
Killer song man! Defo a Bloodbath vibe in it. Would have loved to be able to growl but it's not in my vocal range. I'm more in a Townsend realm (errr... well, it's just to give an idea no comparison here!!) Good luck and let us informed about your project, would like to hear the final product!
Mmmkay so no one has been able to deliver so far, I'm gonna give this a bump for any new takers that want to be on this fekkin EP. You need to be able to get low ala Peter Tagtgren. You get carte blanche on all lyrical content and song titles. Here's a track heretofore un-posted: - SONG1.mp3

So hit me the fuck up pwitty pweeze.