Need some extra ears on this one! Real everything.

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City
Hey guys! :D

I'm finishing mixing this song as an advance of the whole album.

Everything here is real: drums and amps.

For drums I only replaced the snare 100% with Slate samples, as the original snare track was not what I was looking for. Kick is 90% real, and just the high click is sample for some consistency. Awesome drum tracks BTW, really easy to mix (thanks to acappa that tracked everything in his studio). Toms are 100% real.

For guitars they used an ESP Eclipse and 5150 + Mesa4x12 > 2xSM57 Fredman.

For the bass I don't know what bass they used, but I processed it in POD Farm as they recorded with some Line6 head, so if it has to be digital, better be crafted from ground up :D

So I really need some opinions before I send them the final track, as I'm really tired now and can't really judge anymore. Sound Of The Waves final.mp3

It sounds really stunning to me, especially the bass and drums. Guitars sound good also but I agree with Morgan C that it takes too much space in the mix. Otherwise, awesome mix.