Need some fast feedback fellas


djenital moosic
Feb 17, 2006
Ok heres the deal i have a Mesa Triple Recto that im thinking of trading for a Line 6 Vetta, with the software upgrade to version 2. I know the Mesa is a beast but my logic in trading for the Vetta is that it is a more robust amp for recording purposes. i need some opinions. Thanks :headbang:
Are you fucking nuts?

You want to trade a Mesa for a Line 6? While you're at it, you should really take a look at this bridge I've got for sale....
damn that was a fast response much appreciated! so you guys dont think i should trade even though the vetta models a shitload of amps and effects and has direct outs and all that good shit. i should have let you guys know i have a dual recto as well

I had this "tech metal duo" come in to do a demo and when I saw the Vetta, I really wanted to kick that dude in the nuts. hard.

I messed with that thing forever and tried to get a decent sound and it just didn't work. Also, the emulated line out didn't even work right. It sucked.
so you guys dont think i should trade even though the vetta models a shitload of amps

Sure it models a shitload of amps. But I'd rather have an amp with 1 good sound then 500 crappy ones.

If you've already got a dual recto, trade the triple in for something cool.... Maybe a Krank or an Engl or something like that.

have you guys seen Mushuggah live? They are using Vetta II's pluged straight into the board. and i thought their tone was badass
I say do what you want, but I'd sure as hell put the Vetta through it's paces before you agree to the trade.

Overall, I'm inclined to agree with the idea that you should trade up one of the Mesa's for a different tonal tube amp.
don't forget he said he wants it for recording purposes.

Thats right it just seems to me if i can get a good pissed off tone straight out the vetta without mic placement headaches and such i would be better off.

Has anyone in here ever really fucked with one alot, if so did you optain a usable metal tone for recording. i know for a fact that some of you guys have created some unreal tones with a POD xt, so the vetta has more options right?
I liked the vetta, but traditionally miced...sure it's not a "macho" sound like a 5150 or a mesa, but it's so easy to blend those sounds in a mix.
I'd say no to the trade, but just wanted to share my experiences with them.
Oh, and about the meshuggah thing, they use the vettas to record aswell, but we all agree that's not a sound for everyone.
Hey thanx guys for your feed back really appreciate it! Im going to run the vetta through a battery of tests before i decide. thanks again fellas i will let ya know what i end up doing.
Oh and just to add to the balance, it took me hours of tweaking to get a "nice" sound out of the Vetta (not for recording, just live), too much possibilities kill creativity I guess, and the whole thing doesn't sound that good), and 20 seconds to get an insanely better one from the Mesa and think "Haaa, there it is"...
Have you ever seen Symphony X? The tone sucks major ass...very sterile,artificial and shitty sound.
Meshuggah could sound good but, remember they use 8 strings guitars, and mainly play 1 string chords (you can take a bass as guitar, play one string chords through a v-amp and get a "similar" meshuggah sound).
A good example of Vetta is Symphony-X live, not Meshuggah.
The Vetta II does two amps and fx chains at once. I reckon that you could get some cool tones by mixing up the metal models. Like a 5150 and a Dual Recto at the same time, seems like a cool idea to me, especially recording wise, imagine if it worked and you could just plug straight into that sort of tone! I dunno, what do you guys think? I certainly wish my podxtl would do two models at the same time