Need some help with my best mix so far!!

Hello friend. try going through and humanizing the midi for the drums a touch. they sound toooo perfect. my opinion of course.
Great song but way too loud, i hear no heavy bass.. yeah the bassdrum is
there but the bass instrument is like gone? or i have something like an
earproblem :loco:

I can put the volume on 8a clock and i hear too much loudness that's not
pleasant too the ear, back down some high's or mid's or maybe it's the
plugins in the master section, don't now :)

Also make more room for the bass.

For the rest nice song.. like it
I think its nearly perfect! I can't point to anything
thanx man!))

how about less apparent autotune?
yes, i just throw it on vox channel and forgot to tune it)) i will fix it.

Hello friend. try going through and humanizing the midi for the drums a touch. they sound toooo perfect. my opinion of course.
true, snare needs A LOT of velocity work.

Great song but way too loud, i hear no heavy bass.. yeah the bassdrum is
there but the bass instrument is like gone?
I have the same feeling.

Thanx to all your replies, guys!!! I will post fixed mix soon!
honestly, i was thinking about that. Toms panned right, but drummer uses only two of them. I`ll try to pan it wide. Thanks for idea!)