Need some opinions on this mastering, for heavy band! Please take a listen!

Listening on headphones. Yes the bass seems to be a tad loud. everything else sounds fine! i'll give another opinion when i can listen on the monitors
naaaah. bass is good. theres just an unbalance in the/and top end. did you cut any mids? guitars sound like they re missing a LOT of frequencies. and cymbals could be louder. also cut some 400-500 hz on the vocals and boost around 5k a smidge. if thats a pretty natural guitar withought eq than bumo up the high end around 8k. sweet mix though just a little unbalanced imo. sweet dude.
something about the guitars just doesnt do it for me. the gain structure is nice but the eqing is a bit off but i cant really tell how. the mix is great though and music are great though!
I really like a lot of it, but it seems like my speakers are covered with a blanket! I listened on phones and its like I have cotton in my ears. Something seems wrong with the high end.
sounds out of phase as fuckkkkkkkkkkkk... are you using stereo widening? if so, back it off, if not ditch it altogether. it's causing the whole mix to have almost NO phantom center to speak of...

will rock after that!