Need some opinions on this mix before official realese

dude i REALLY like the guitars. What is your guitar chain if i may ask? they sound great. And the whole mix is wicked, the singing sounds just like a decibel too loud imo, but maybe thats how you like them.
Sounds pretty sweet to me so far. Guitars could use less of a 800hz-1khz area boost, and the bass could carry more low-end behind the rhythms. I'll agree that the clean vocals could go down a hair or two.
Tanks ;) The Pod farm guitar chain is very basic.. NG - Screamer - NG - Treadplate - Cab w/ 67 Condenser - Compressor.

Just a question: I have my HP filter on 70 HZ on the bass, is that good or should i have it lower? I also boost the low end on the bass at 80 Hz, is that good?
Yes its slate snare and kick, best kick and snare I've come across :)

oz_golf: Do you have any tips on adding more body to the mix? I guess the guitars maybe lacks some body, should i boost the low mids?
have you boost the mid on guitar tracks around 300-600? and cut the high freq (low pass filter). A little bit cut out on 4000-4500 about -2db or -3db.