Need some professional ears to give a "Final Master" a listen.


New Metal Member
Mar 1, 2010
I've been fighting for weeks to re-track this song with my band but they don't hear an issue... So I decided to post a 30 second clip of the track (uncompressed .wav straight from the mastering studio) It's 13mb in size.

I wont give away what I think is wrong with it to get the most unbiased opinion on this clip as possible, it's not a metal track but more of a melodic dark rock song.

So after a listen is this ready for world wide distribution? Because our release date is coming up very soon! Thanks.
The snare is DISTORTING every time it hits. Eurghh. That's definately not release ready. Tell your band mates some dick on the forum said that they're a bunch of idiots and that the snare needs re-doing.
The snare is DISTORTING every time it hits. Eurghh. That's definately not release ready. Tell your band mates some dick on the forum said that they're a bunch of idiots and that the snare needs re-doing.

That is exactly what I've been fighting with them about... Apparently it's MY ears only, and they said "what you are hearing will be fixed with mastering..." The mix had the same issue as does the master! go figure, mastering isn't magic after all :p
If they honestly believe shit can be fixed in mastering........ no offense, but good lord, what a pack of retards:erk:
Mastering is not a magical fix for problems within a mix. It's all about getting it done right in the tracking phase, then nailing a good mix so the mastering engineer can enhance the product, not FIX the product.
If they don't understand it then after explaining that, go find another band that isn't full of guys who are completely and utterly deaf
So what's the proper term here? Pumping? Distorting? Clipping? Peaking? I told them I heard the snare clipping each hit, but they didn't seem to understand or hear what I was talking about...

Thanks again guys! This is the fuel I need to prove I'm in fact not crazy! and apparently my ears still work! :kickass:
This sounds HORRIBLE! The snare is soooo clipping its painful to listen to. Is it all sampled drums? The right side crash sounds pretty terrible too, I don't have that much experience using sampled cymbals because usually they sound fake like this, but try like changing the velocities on each hit by a little bit. OR if thats real, tell your drummer he has horrible technique and needs to stop pounding the shit out of his cymbals.

You for sure need to fix that, meaning re-tracking, most likely depending on if those are "real" drums or not.
Yep, the snare is deffinetaly clipping WAY too much...

Maybe use your band members heads to hit the snare drum next time??
Dude, listen. Do u have the master session files, or you can say stems of the recording. ie. separate files, guitars, drums, bass.

the recording is fine. its just that seems somebody has pushed the limit on the master. the recording is fine. its just that when it was mixed or summed, the engineer, or whoever mixed it didnt give any importance to the dynamics and kept pushing the faders to the max.

also, if you have the files and dont know how to go about, i can analyze and set em straight for u.

but yea, i must say, the band must be filled with a couple of normal retards, in sound engineering clans, such retards are called Musicians :D
nah, this is digital clipping, the snare mic has pushed the mic pre too hard, and it's clipped on the analogue to digital converter. your only shot (if you can't re-track) is to replace the snare.

good luck.
