Need some serious critique on this...


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
Long story short, singer quit, got a new one, the click is there, we're pleased with the starting point. This is his first performance using his voice in about 5 years again. To sort of get the band back up on track we've been offered a compilation CD (for free), so we thought that would be a good free advertisment.

So really need to know what you think of the mix.


p.s. title is not set yet, so this sort of a joke when one of use walked out of the studio and stepping into a big pile of dog shit..
To much low end in the spoken word in the beginning i guess!

And guitars or bass seem to be pushing something away in the drums it seems, or just to loud, can't put my finger on it, sounds a bit weird.
Oh and the reverb on the delay sounds weird too.. needs more epicness button ;)

Apart from that it sounds like you guys played way tighter then on the previous stuff! and that wasn't untight aswell :)

Did Nanne take over vocal duties? he should :)
To much low end in the spoken word in the beginning i guess!

And guitars or bass seem to be pushing something away in the drums it seems, or just to loud, can't put my finger on it, sounds a bit weird.
Oh and the reverb on the delay sounds weird too..

Apart from that it sounds like you guys played way tighter then on the previous stuff! and that wasn't untight aswell :)

Did Nanne take over vocal duties? he should :)

Vocals don't do "it" yet. Think it has to do with reverb, maybe to much room, which makes the delay stink, like you said.
I'll go back to the bass, think that makes some of the drums to be pushed away. Maybe it will help just by -2/-3db in the mix, and solely on the sansamp track, that one sound a bit harsh sometimes, which might the thing that's getting "through" the mix a bit to much.

Thanks for your pointers, I can put my finger on it either..maybe yours help

On the tightness...if you're not making progression, you're standing still ;)

Haha, no Nanne didn't want to take over. That sort of was the backup plan, that if we didn't have a singer now, he'd take over.

Anyhow, Nanne and I got some shit planned for after my marriage. He wrote some songs that we're not using for Burial Earth (former Docile)...
It's all kind of shit, grind, black metal..all just pure filth we wants to record and he wants to put vocals on them for the fun of it..
Doesn't sound too bad , are the guitars panned hard L/R ? The vox are too high in the mix for my taste. Also, maybe throw some kind of eq effect on the spoken word part , telephone etc. That could be cool. The guitars and drums just sound indistinct, but that could be because the vox are drowning them. Second version is better , but vox are still too high.