Need someone who knows a lot about Led Zeppelin


Feb 22, 2007
I know Led Zeppelin uses folk instruments in their songs, but anything I've heard that uses folk instruments was pretty slow and soft. I was wondering if there were any songs of theirs that utilize folk instruments mixed with hard rock. And if so which ones. Help greatly appreciated.
you might try checking out the song Over the Hills and Far Away and the Led Zeppelin III album (Gallows Pole is a folk rock song featuring a banjo). their folk instrumentation generally just consists of acoustic guitar, featured on many of their songs. you might find the occassional harmonica (When the Levee Breaks) or flute (Stairway to Heaven)

hope this helps some
They don't mix it a whole lot, if you're hoping for a mixture of the battle of evermore and communication breakdown, you're not gonna find it
^^ btw Led Zep III is considered their "acoustic" album... but a mixture of Folk and hard rock they rarely did.. they either did one or the other...