Need to know about the upcoming dvd


Dec 21, 2007
im new here..but i got a question.. will the roundhouse tapes DVD be released in HD DVD/BluRay or DVD? thanks..
I don't think it'll be as profitable as to only release one of them... maybe the delay (january to september) was due to see if one of them gets more diffused than the other, so they can print the most diffused.
Anyway, I just hope it'll be released also as a straightforward DVD, since I do not own niether a HD TV nor a blue ray - HD DVD reader.
I don't think it'll be as profitable as to only release one of them... maybe the delay (january to september) was due to see if one of them gets more diffused than the other, so they can print the most diffused.
Anyway, I just hope it'll be released also as a straightforward DVD, since I do not own niether a HD TV nor a blue ray - HD DVD reader.

hmm yeah i guess so.. i dun own a HD tv nor a HD DVD player myself @_@
Of course it will be released also as a normal DVD. Those will most likely be sold the most. Can't say if it will be both Blu-Ray and HD DVD though.
in my opinion the delay is due to the fact that labels don't want to interfere with opeth releases at the same time.
so spring will be time for the new album, and autumn to promote the dvd.
in my opinion the delay is due to the fact that labels don't want to interfere with opeth releases at the same time.
so spring will be time for the new album, and autumn to promote the dvd.

Was it that hard to promote the DVD in january and the new album during spring?
Anyhow, I guess the real thing is that they wanted you to buy both the CD and the DVD. If they released the DVD earlier, less people would have bought the CD.
I'd imagine it'll be released in dual format, if not exclusively in Blu-Ray

Toshiba is sucking eggs right now in the format war and about 3 major movie production companies switched to Blu-Ray not to mention the 2:1 selling advantage Sony has over Toshiba in both players and blu-ray disks.
Fuck I hate format wars. The way the market is at the moment it should be released on DVD/HD DVD and Blu Ray. If it comes out on HD DVD it means I will have to get the HD drive for my xbox 360 and will be the first hd dvd I will own.
i doubt the new dvd will be released in enough volume to warrant the significant costs in producing a blu-ray/hd-dvd.

although it will still look pretty on those that have up-scaled dvd players :)
it's about time the companies get decided about the format ... how long is this format war going on now? and HD DVD was winning but now all of a sudden it is shifting again? that's what I got from it anyway ... would be nice if they decide soon, so new movies and music dvd's can be released in new formats using all the benefits.

btw, anyone with some knowledge about this? at a store here there is a player on sale for both HD DVD and Blue Ray, but I thought this wasn't possible? so is it possible then?

about the Opeth DVD, in the previous discussion about this (yes there was one in another thread about the DVD), we all came to the conclusion that they probably just mean that the DVD has been filmed in high definition but did not imply that it would be released on HD DVD ... I think it would have been stated much more clearly if that would have been the case. and like most here already said: what a stupid decision, commercially speaking, would it be to release it only on HD DVD at the current time?? too few people own a HD DVD player, and most people won't buy one in the first year anyway ...