Need your help (lyrics for the first English song)


New Metal Member
Jun 23, 2008
Hallo guys!
Could you help me? I know there are a lot of skilled musicans and listeners here.
My problem is next: I have 2 different texts about the same person - Judas (rather popular image). These

texts were written by different authors. And I want to ask you - what text is better?
It's not an offer to write lyrics for any metal band, it's only for me and my group. We are rather young and

we haven't enough experience to choose one from those texts (all our songs before were on Russian). Could

you give me your advice which to choose for the first English song?


Song #1


Shadows in the night have killed the light
And the world still asks the question why
With his head hanging so low
Memories of that day will never go

The blazing sun, burns skin and veins
In his tears the curse remains
For 2 thousand years, he walks with his pain And Christ still cries out his name


Oh, Judas you will be forever damned
Oh, Judas, guilt takes you to no man's land
Cause, Judas, your heart can't forget the past
Oh, God please, erase his pain with death

(For last chorus replace the words "with death" with "at last")

Chains of memory bind his poor soul
His eyes blinded by endless fears
With tears of blood that still flow
Yesterday's crime remains for years

People turn heads and look away
Why has he betrayed Christ this way?
Two thousand years he walks without sleep
The skies are dark as he weeps

Song #2


You see the world / that’s falling down
Under the black sun that killed the day
Fear and pain / are now all around
But there are no hope / no words to pray

There are no cries / and no tears
Just horror behind your eyes
You can’t fall asleep / for two thousand years
Again / you see Jesus Christ

Oh, Judas, damned for his sin and his crime
Oh, Judas, dying with no one to cry
Oh, Judas, damned till the end of time
Oh, God, just forgive him, Oh, God, let him die

No place to go / no way to run
No one comes to redeem your heart
You can’t change it / the deal is done
Whatever you do / will fall apart

Bloodshot eyes / blood in the skies
Haunt you until your last breath
Why did you betray / your God Jesus Christ
And gave / him your kiss of death