Need your help on these small guitar clips...

Jun 2, 2005
Done this pretty roughly... picking is a bit crap, and it's a small clip from my song "bastard breed" .. i however put new guitars on a portion of the song.. one with freefilter and one without.. i wonder what you guys like the most!

It's the two on top.. "guitar test 1" and "guitar test 2"...

Have a guess what is done with freefilter and what is not.. :p always fun eh?

Just drums and guitars...

Thanks for your time!
Number two eh?


Yeah, freefilter is a plugin that works just like voxengo curve EQ and Harbal.. all are EQ copy/paste software plugins.. where you simply take your own EQ settings of, in this case, a guitar.. and then you take a guitar sample of any band, "take" it's EQ settings with freefilter, and combine that with your own guitar EQ settings..

Pretty cool stuff.. have not used it though, so i am trying some stuff with it right now..

Thanks.. (gotta sleep now :yell: )
only monitoring on phones...

Clip 1 has a thinner bottom and less presence

Clip 2 is thicker and slightly more presence... but not as much in your face

What EQ spectrum did you grab from?

My tried and true SWAG... Clip 1 was Free Filtered

I have CurveEQ and it's pretty cool...

Hehe.. yeah, i took a EQ setting of the guitars on exodus's song called: 44 magnum opus...

I took the high EQ out of it quite a bit, since i will need a lot of synth on top it, and i can't have the EQ's conflicting with each other... it's quite a bit easier to judge which clip was done with FF and which one was not... if you compared the original and the clip i did, there is still quite a difference, but you can never change you original tone what you mix it with.. so...

Anyone have any requests for any guitar tone you want to hear with FF?? if you have a song where you can just hear a guitar on one side, i can copy that and use that EQ setting and mix it with my own...

Will try a couple tonight.. i got one spiritual beggars clip for it.. anyone has one you would like to hear?

Post em.. i will try em...


BTW. clip 1 was done without FF on it... clip 2 has it.. indeed a bit more bottom to it, more low and mid, fuller, but less "in your face"...
I like clip 2 better as well...