Need your opinions on this one guys!! First mix since I started workin at the studio


Apr 7, 2009
I posted a song the other and day and got a bunch of views and no replies. This is the song again but an updated and MUCH better mix. The solos were tracked a little too hot and I tried my best to not make em so grainy but I couldn't get it to sit perfectly. Other than that I autotuned some parts and automated instruments. So please let me know what ya think!!! Thanks - songs called "Rely On It"

I wrote and performed all the parts - Not much of a singer though.
Guitars are really really thin, and there's too much bass. I like the kick though. How were the guitars recorded?
Hey , thanks for the feedback man. Guitars we recorded with an orange head pretty much maxed out setting wise through a peavey cab mic'd up with 2 57's fredman style. Maybe I should go back and see if there's any phase problems, could have taken away some body.

And when you say too much bass, do you mean the bass is too loud? The studio uses a sub so I'm still getting used to compensating for it. I guess the sub just handles it better so it's hard to notice if it's overbearing or not.

The kit is sneap kick and snare with chimaira toms. I programmed them and then recorded the cymbals live. Thanks again!